
Thanks for your contribution, Chris. It does help.

Did you really just say “being real with ourselves”? If nobody cares why would you bother to write such a scathing piece and fuck with people’s lives. I hope you can live with yourself.

What is with this comment, Anna? Are you really arguing one side here? It’s hard to believe how much you wanted to hear from the women whose experiences are now being communicated. Ever think they might not have wanted to communicate to you for a reason. Maybe they didn’t trust you would write a balanced piece or

One wonders why this comment has not yet been approved. Anna keeps talking about how much she wanted to hear the other side. Well here is the other side and it is still trapped in pending from 5/11!

For what it’s worth, doesn’t seem like you have really walked the fuck away. Reminds me of this friend of mine who couldn’t stop talking about her “horrible” ex-boyfriend. After awhile, it was more than I could bear. She wasn’t even with the guy anymore, let it go. Needless to say, we aren’t friends anymore.

Glad someone is calling Anna’s standards into question. Don’t agree for the reasons you describe. That said, superhottie hannah outing the source seems more than fair to me. That source should have outed herself if she had any conscience.

This piece was painful to read. Not surprised. Doesn’t seem like Anna had much of an editor. Lot of ranting going on here from naysayers in the comments, but did anyone even notice that only two of the women who Anna got her “info” from were willing to give their names. I mean come on. Where is the courage in that? If