I like to think that the director and producers went to the artists to tell them that they had to change the design, only for all of them to look at them with eyes of disdain that screamed “we fucking told you!”
I like to think that the director and producers went to the artists to tell them that they had to change the design, only for all of them to look at them with eyes of disdain that screamed “we fucking told you!”
I mean, the first thing I said about the teeth to my friend when I saw the trailer was that it looked like he stole them from a child- so maybe you’re onto something.
The tone of this article, to the fact they had to apologize, to the total nothing level of offense in the messages themselves. The internet outrage culture is so tiresome.
Fuck Jimmy John and his stores. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jimmy-john-liautaud-hunting-photos/
Yeah this looks like the type of game I would prefer to play on my Switch in handheld mode, it’s got that clean, simple, stylised look to it. Although given that it’s a city building sim I’d imagine navigating around the map and plopping down buildings would be easier with a mouse.
It’s not a stretch when you’re in love with being outraged about things online. Seeing slights in every innocuous comment is emotional bread and butter for people looking to be offended by everything they can possibly find to be offended by.
Except CP isn’t a commonly used term for kiddie porn. I had to read the article to find out why it would flag them. Out of curiosity I asked everyone in my office what CP meant, if it didn’t mean anything what would the guess. 0% said child porn.
“CP” is also Champion Points in Elder Scrolls Online. Made by an American company. Honestly, until I saw this thread, I’d never thought to connect “CP” to “child pornography”. I honestly can’t imagine someone hearing a person say “CP” in public and think “omg, criminals! get them!”
Is CP that common of an acronym for this? I’ve played plenty of games that used CP for some kind of points (most recently FFXIV) and I’ve never heard anyone use it for child porn. Do I just not run in the same circles? Do I need to start worrying about having discussions about FFXIV crafting rotations in public?
So let me get this straight:
I have to disagree on the font. When you have a game with pixelated graphics, but a smooth sans-serif font, it just looks awful to me. I’m very glad they went with the pixelated font here.
As my buddy used to say:
“What a bunch of crybaby bullshit.”
You’re still getting your game, people, what does it matter which storefront you get it from? I get preferring to have all your games in one library, but it’s $10 cheaper on the Epic store than it would have been on Steam thanks to Epic only taking 12% of…
“A bottle of crown royal will (should) warm any man’s heart.”
I don’t know, seems more like a Snow Golem, using the hat as the method of trapping the unwilling spirit from the Plane of Snow into the crafted artificial body.
Mentions indie rock and Drake in the same passage...
That tweet wasn't transphobic.
You can argue the stories aren’t quite as intricate and focused or whatever, but Skyrim and basically all the games being mentioned do in fact have distinct endings. You can stick to the main quest lines and get there relatively quickly without getting bogged down in side quests. You just have to do it rather than…
To me DLC should be like “Wow, people really enjoyed our game. Let’s spend some time and make some more content for them so they can continue to enjoy it a while longer for a reasonable price.”
“Regardless of how the optics may subjectively read to the viewer (because it’s all subjective), like Nicki Minaj, Kimble is a grown woman and self-made millionaire who was proud to take part in that image, doing her life’s work.”