How dare they have a different preference than you? The sheer AUDACITY!
How dare they have a different preference than you? The sheer AUDACITY!
The vita is dead when I say it’s dead.
Oh god, those teeth...
Every cg artist relates to this so deeply
Yeah I’m not going to your lemon party teeth fetish site. Good try though troll
I’m sure you’ve held them in more places than your hands.
Do you know that for a fact? Where do you think those teeth we leave under our pillows go? Still believe it’s a fairy? Please.
Agree to disagree my dearest friend
Yeah they do.
I feel like you probably weren’t present for ever conversation so I’m going to guess you’re being dishonest here.
hedgehogs have teeth. someone fail zoology in high school.
So does this, next?
I think the big issue a lot of people are having is that they were expecting something really truly terrible and then it ended up looking like a pretty awesome flick, I’d venture to say 2nd best popcorn movie of the year (1st would be End Game obv). It’s hard to have this expectation of utter shit for so long only to…
I’ll dodge the places I should dodge when there is a large obvious controversy and me patronizing the business is clearly making a statement that I don’t want to make.
I’m from jersey so it’s Wawa or nothing, but we used to have a Cumberland Farm in our town that shut down (because everyone went to Wawa) but they rented Nintendo games and for that I always loved them. I didn’t know they still existed. Happy Rex Manning Day.
Not true. Apathy is what lets the ones that are remain though.
Seems like you left the obvious answer. Don’t eat at chains. But definitely don’t eat at JJ.