
That is their one almost unforgivable flaw.

As someone with both a rich retail background and an established non-profit career, this is a bit of a straw man argument. Clothing needs are perennial; the problem is when donors mindlessly pour in donations during disasters, or only ever call the same five mega-charities to donate something. Many charities with

THANK YOU. Bearing public witness and finding solidarity are very common ways of processing trauma. Unbelievably solipsistic to believe these stories were told for a Western audience or that anyone else’s feelings should have any bearing on their right to be told.

Who are you to decide whether they ‘retraumatize’ themselves or use their stories as therapeutic measure ? Isn’t that a bit patronizing on your part?

This isn’t an issue about the basics of criminal law, it’s about First Amendment law.

As an epeeist- I just have to say you are completely and utterly wrong.

I think it’s interesting to observe couples because it’s fascinating to try reasoning how they objectify and project fantasies onto the other. Fascinating because I can’t fathom how so many unanimated golems of both sexes maintain those fantasies beyond superficial characteristics.

I had to stop watching these shows a few seasons ago...whatever enjoyment I may have experienced was no longer worth knowing about these people

Oh! Sure! Most ailments and disorders turn out to be​eons older than we’d assume. Mortification of the flesh is as old as Christianity, f’rinstance. Girls and devotees have been starving or damaging themselves over religion for centuries.

“Shortly after “alt-right” poster-boy Steve Bannon reportedly called Jared Kushner a “cuck,” signaling an escalating battle in the White House between the “Bannonites” and the “globalists,” Donald Trump bucked his isolationist promises and launched a military strike against the Syrian government”

Sadly they are not. They’re piling on. Conservative women hate women too.

Had to look that up, but yes, death to unicorns. They contribute nothing of value to society and that is not hyperbole.

Damn, dog. That is pretty nuts. I don’t know what I was expecting.

Don’t feel bad, I’m American, born in America, went to four years of American high school followed by four years of an American university, and I never really had any idea past “something schools do every year.”