Michael Cooper

The title of this article and then the content make no sense. “Why won’t Marvel trust directors” and then about how Marvel trusted Zhao to do what she wanted. And she’s said nothing but “they let me do what I wanted and were there to help if I needed it.

Spielberg absolutely uses his signature style in Schindler’s List. He only doesn’t if you literally consider his signature style “kids looking with awe lit with beams of light in the darkness.” 

I think a lot of it has to do with the very modern trend of crowning a given director after they’ve directed 1 film of note. A lot of them just turn out to be mediocre to average storytellers who used up all of their best ideas on their first film. I am not saying that Chloe Zhao is one of them, but the director of A

This.  The article does nothing to explain it.  It’s “Marvel’s fault”, essentially.

Zhao may be an MCU fan, but based on her previous work isn’t she basically a broccoli salesperson who’s been hired to shill Big Macs? No shade on either food group, but I’m not sure the sales skills are entirely transferable.

Especially odd considering many of the criticisms involve the idea that Zhao’s style does indeed come through, but fits very poorly with the Marvel story being told. 

There’s a lot of “Eternals is bad but I can’t put any blame on Zhao” stuff from critics right now.

Sir this is an Eternals article 

I found four errors in this article:

When it turns up on Netflix you’ll be able to Live and let Di in the privacy of your own home!

My calendar is pretty full so it looks like I’ll have . . . No Time To Di.

Spencer: Di another Day.

Oh, The Rise of Skywalker changed the history of the franchise all right.

Why get on a train that you know will derail?

In all seriousness, the mad hyperaccelerated rush to shoot through what sounds like what actually needed seasons to develop the plot points instead being Season 8 and six episodes from what I hear just might have been symptomatic of even many more serious problems behind the scenes.

Screw him. He doesn't have a foot to stand on.

Great, this means we’re bound to hear Rob Liefeld’s extremely bad take on this.

Kinja giveth, Kinja taketh away

Let’s all get on one accord about this.  I’m with you. 

Tom Hanks is America’s Dad, and all that jazz, but can we just talk about the adds that continue to make this site/other G/O sites almost unreadable? Do you (the person in charge of implementing adds) or Target (to use an example) think that by pissing off the readers, that maybe we’ll all get irritated enough to want