Michael Cooper

I'd like to think so, but those guys do have some damn terrible takes sometimes.

Either way it sounds pretty stupid. And the idea of taking a real-life event as tragic as Hiroshima and linking it to a fictional character like this strikes me as crass.

Hey, who are you calling ‘fading’?

Honestly, I’ve long since given up criticizing Snyder as a director. Not because I don’t think he’s a shitty director who incorporates right wing, reactionary imagery and themes into his movies without thinking of the implications of using them (Why put Sean Spicer, a fascist collaborator, into your movie when you can

He’s an actor playing a role, and presumably criticisms of his mannerisms and lack of charisma are directed at the character. Seems fair game to me, since all those should have been deliberate choices for the character and not just Schweighöfer being himself.

I couldn’t even finish Army of Dead - soulless crap, IMO (sorry if someone really liked it, it probably isn’t bad but I wasn’t in the mood for “just fine” at that time).

You are kidding me - this property is fun, engaging, consumer-friendly, and entirely single-player? This game was barely on my radar prior to some of these reviews.

Now playing

“You’re sayin’: You want a piece of me?

I can vouch for myself that no its not fun seeing successful entertainers punch down on people like me for no reason.  But hey at least these people give away how awful they are without much effort. 

Right. And as the audiences in his taped specials show, his audience of fans is primed to laugh at anything he says. I barely thought his last special was comedy. It was confident. It was strongly-worded opinion. But I found myself wondering what the live audience was roaring with laughter about. Hell, even he has

That’s probably one of the biggest and most frustrating things about this whole controversy: It’s not just that his comedian friends are either staying silent so they don’t have to risk the professional benefits that come from their association with him, or are trying to make room for him and his non-apologies. And

After four years of Trump are you surprised people think this way?

Are you sayin’ . . . you wanna piece’a me!?!?!

“I want everyone in this audience to know that even though the media frames it that it’s me versus that community, that’s not what it is. Do not blame the LGBTQ community for any of this. It’s about corporate interests, and what I can say, and what I cannot say.”

That’s what has bothered me about this whole saga. Chappelle thinks and says whatever, and he’s the wrong person to be talking about queerness and trans topics. That’s one thing. What’s scary is that there is a not-insignificant audience who is totally like, “Dave Chappelle, speaking the truth. That’s my guy.” So many

I really just want a game that tells an engaging story well, has super fun action, and fucking ends. I want to know what I’m supposed to do. I’m getting so tired of the open world schtick. Modern games are just asking for a lot of my lifespan.

I just started Breath of the Wild a few weeks ago, and there are aspects of

you can’t pay for anything in-game, because all of the unlockable bonuses are found just by playing

I’m buying it day one. I miss linear single-player story experiences. I am sick and tired of “always live/open world/battle royale” bullshit. Give me a well-crafted AAA experience. I’ll do it. I’ll pay for it. And it’s not an FPS? Hot damn.

If Rich is playable in this, and it’s actually pulling as much from DnA’s run as it seems... truly a beautiful unicorn of a game. Can't wait to get some time to play through!