The Irony is if Sanders had appealed to many of the folks that have been on the losing end of capitalism through the years - minority voters - he probably would have won.
The Irony is if Sanders had appealed to many of the folks that have been on the losing end of capitalism through the years - minority voters - he probably would have won.
Rutgers gonna Rutgers
This is legitimately the first time I realized the show is not called, “All Takes Matter.”
I for one am shocked the Broncos are bungling off-season contract negotiations with a key position player.
Do you think Mt. Take is a false flag created by PFT Commenter?
Hope Carter’s got a fall guy for this.
FS1 is going to be a 24-hour dumpster fire.
So wait, he named his meat company E3? As in error on the first baseman?
Amazing how these schools never learn.
“I’m a Longhorn fan and I thought from the start UT should have put aside their self interest to a degree and do what is best for the conference overall.”
I’ve always thought that it should be a technical when teams chuck the ball straight up into the air with time still on the clock.
If Cam Newton did this it would literally be the end of the world. The resulting takes would be hot enough to simultaneously melt both polar ice caps and cause flooding on a Kevin Costner, Waterworld scale. But it’s Gronk so, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That there is a famous rapper named, “B.o.B.”
Thanks a lot, I sprained my wrist making such an aggressive JO motion.
Jesus, free haircuts for the entire arena? This is the worst promotion ever.
Crispy Snacks Pork Zingers!
This happens to me quite frequently to this day. I wake up and I see things in the apartment that aren’t actually there. Sometimes they are from my dreams, sometimes they are not.
Not sure if this is technically a “ghost story” but it sure creeped the hell out of me.