
I won’t spend another dollar there if this is allowed and I spend a decent amount of money there. I hope others do the same

Call me a neanderthal but these reviews are way too long

My lesbian aunt met my other lesbian aunt (who really wasn’t my aunt) while they were both in the Navy during the Korean war in 1950. Just be happy they didn’t put that in the game. I’m happy and proud that they served. #Salute

State of Decay 2 summed up in 3 letters.....MEH.

I think it really only children who play it undocked. Perhaps those who ride the Subway or bus. If I’m going somewhere I’m driving the car and I don’t have time to play video games and I’m definitely not taking my video games to work with me. I do play it undocked around the house at times though.

While I’ve only listened to this Westworld version twice I listen to the Wutang version like 10 million times and in my opinion it hardly sounds the same at all. If you didn’t tell me that was cream by Wu-Tang I wouldn’t know and I still doubt it even after being told. Maybe it SHOULD be Wu-Tang but it’s not that

It’s such a slow, methodical, game does it even matter? It looks perfectly fine in every video I see when they show the old one and I don’t recall having any issues or complaints when I played it.

Apparently you have never read a Worldstar HipHop Message board

That was cool.... except for the whole Ariana Grande part. But how about The Bad Lieutenant from Snyder Ave doing his thing on the electric fishing rod!

You don’t like the RE movies I take it? I thought they were mediocre but had no issue with her acting skills. I think this will be successful. If rampage can become a profitable movie this 100% can do the same

I finally started playing Assassin’s Creed syndicate that I bought 3 years ago but never opened. Xbox gave away so I still haven’t opened it. Keep accidentally running up walls and getting mad. Not really into “Across the Pond” industrial revolution kind of era either but just started. 2 assassins is nice tho.

Which GAAS (Games-As-A-Service) platform do you think is the best? I have Xbox Gamepass and EA Access. EA Access isn’t bad but also not that great but at $30 a year, why not have it? Xbox gamepass seems good since you get the first party ones right away. I have ps4 pro, xbox one x, nintendo switch, and gaming pc with

Me neither. Some people just like underground bands. A lot of people like to consider themselves anti-mainstream. I think they like finding an underground bands because they feel like they helped discover something that was cool before everyone else knew it was cool. The finger kiss part might be a little different

As a Xbox One X, PS4 Pro, Switch, and PC owner with Prime membership, EA Access and Xbox Game Pass I feel like I should just stop buying games. I miss games that I could beat after 50 hours (except RPGs) and didn’t need to login daily for a bonus. Feels good to play a Mario or Zelda though and not feel like I’m

As a Xbox One X, PS4 Pro, Switch, and PC owner with Prime membership, EA Access and Xbox Game Pass I feel like I

I’m in a wedding but after that hassle it’s time to finish State of Decay (unless I need to restart yet again) and maybe even take the plastic wrap off of Far Cry 4 which I bought Day 1 so I can eventually take the plastic off Far Cry Primal which I also bought Day 1. While I’m at it perhaps I should also finally