Perfect team for this. They make Sunset Overdrive right? That reminded me of Spiderman with how you traveled around the city
I thought it was pretty good but a but more family entertainment then action which was ok I guess. The book was alot different and better.
I liked it better when I could just scroll to the end and see if you thought it was worth buying or not
I stopped reading at the “my girlfriend says I’m already too large” comment. That was all I needed to hear to call b*******
I guess I’m not a big enough NES fan since I stopped at GameCube til the switch came out but I just don’t get all the shock and awe. Excitement I get but not the surprise. It’s like being shocked Honda made a new model of the Accord. Of course they were gonna release Smash. Looking forward to finally seeing what the…
As luck would have it I picked up my Oculus Rift for the first time in four months yesterday to show it to somebody and was really confused for about 30 minutes. At least I was able to figure out that it wasn’t my fault. On a side note does anyone have any recommendations for games? I don’t have a lot because all the…
I bought this about a year ago for $5 but haven’t played it yet. It has to be at least $5 fun right? In comparison I just got blood Bowl 2 for $5. I thought that was pretty good for five bucks things have to be really really bad to not be at least worth 5 bucks
If you are gonna credit an album credit the original for Christ’s sake!!
Any idea on the average cost of such design?...in America?
Confirmation of purchase was so the company could reimburse the employee for the cost of the game
From here to the trash can if you ask me...but nobody did and I know I am a hater so get you money if you can Mr/Ms Esports player. If someone wants to give it go ahead and take it.
In the words of Antoine Merriweather and Blaine Edwards...”Hated It!!”
It worked fine for me. Spent 1.5 hour hunting Pukie Pukie and couldn’t find anywhere. Ran out of time once and had to do again. Fainted once and when I finally killed him I realized I was on expedition and not even doing the damn quest. Then wheI actually did quest it only took 20 minutes lol
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me....everybody deserves a 2nd chance so we all gave them one but nobody likes feeling like a fool. I dont see them selling as many games in the future without drastic changes.
I was with you and I’m on your side but you took it somewhere that was so unnecessary. It’s a game forum and technically he brought something up that actually happened. Let’s just acknowledge it and move on peacefully
In the words of my parents from the 80s...Don’t sit so close to the TV!!!! Is that not a thing anymore?
The Wal-Mart of gaming peripherals
Anyone who tries to come up with a catchy name for people who follow them deserves an ass whooping in my book.
Two Worlds. I think I bought it because it was the only RPG for xbox 360 at the time or maybe just the only one I hadn’t played. It was terrible but I liked it enough that I bought the 2nd one and I think I liked that and hated the 3rd.