
It means that it felt and looked old like a game that came out 5 years ago in my opinion.  I don't put it on the same level as a lot of AAA games that come out nowadays.   If you feel differently that's fine🤷

I still say the best setting for GTA 6 would be Australia.  They have everything we need.  Cities, unincorporated land, aborigines, spiders the size of your face (nobody needs those) and super deadly animals.  No to mention the Sydney Opera House.  I think it would be great but there needs to be an option in games to

I have the original Rift but I hardly play it because the wire always seems to get in my way. I like games where I can sit down and use the controller with the VR headset because then it’s not an issue. Are Sony VR games more like this?

I thought it was pretty dumb but maybe that's just me.   It seems basic and outdated although I admittedly didn't get very far.   The guys I played with felt the same but if you like it then by all means enjoy.  🤷

No mention of a wireless option?

I swear this website has become the go-to place for people to get in their feelings. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing it’s just not for me. I want to hear about the games more than the problems in the gaming world but if that’s what y’all are in to it’s fine. Just not for me.  I don't usually comment about it but

I respectfully disagree and would say the first one was trash and the second one was mediocre.   I honestly thought that was the general consensus also.   I assume since there are no more that my assumption is correct 

I don’t know what kind of sausage rolls you eat but here in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania a sausage roll consists of two sausage links with a bunch of onions and some sauce encased in dough like a giant Hot Pocket. They are absolutely delicious and I hope yours are as good as ours.

I’m a veteran controller thrower. I’ve been throwing controllers since Tecmo Bowl. I don’t always throw a controller, but when I do it was susuallywrapped around my friend’s leg and hit him square in the knee.  Thats when controllers were cheap and durable.   I no longer throw controllers but I do put them on the back

Yu hit that nail right on the head.

I have played warzone almost every day since it came out and I’ve never noticed anyone cheating. I’m not saying that it doesn’t happen because it obviously does. What I’m saying is I think a lot of people put too much thought into it and worry about it too much when they get killed. Just play the game and have fun. If

Thanks for writing this and helping raise awareness about it.  I never would have known otherwise.  

I feel you and agree but technically almost every computer hooks up with an HDMI cable do you could do that with your pc also

The good news is that most of us will never know since most of us have not been able to buy one yet

“There’s no head strap, which means you’ll need to hold the Toy-Cons up to your face the entire time while playing.”

ItIt looks like if you stepped on it hard enough the force of the air would cause the cardboard to bend all out of shape

Thats when you just stop using them until they change. Draw a line in the sand but stick to it.

Sensitive-ass millennials.   He quit.  End of story.  He is allowed to quit.  Too bad nowadays people can't take responsibility for their actions and instead its always some third-party's fault that someone's feelings got hurt and they were sad.   Awww.

Too long for me but it seems like the defense is “We said we owe them, we said we are going to pay, and we are.....we just didn’t yet, BUT we will..... definitely probably maybe soon....or not.”. Ending it by threatening legal action against anyone is always a sign of the wheels about to fall off

I got to chapter 4 but the was tired of horse riding simulator.  I go online and after 45 seconds am bored with nothing to do/see/buy/enjoy.