
If you watched this video, and have ears, but still wanted to comment on the climate control panel, you have problems.

We need some sort of a system. For example:
10 hoots = 1 darn
10 darns = 1 damn
10 damns = 1 rat's ass
10 rat's asses = 1 crap
10 craps = 1 shit
10 shits = 1 fuck
10 fucks = 1 fucking shit
10 fucking shits = 1 clusterfuck
10 clusterfucks = 1 Jesus tap-dancing Christ
Anything beyond this point becomes a multiple of previous

Canada doesn't have this problem. Coins are a legal tender for no more than the following amounts:

If Obama was also an alcoholic who smoked crack he would deserve all the flack we could throw at him.

we must redistribute this speed to less fortunate cars!

I think you mean "nearly hit a whale."

Why doesn't the whole world speak German? Such a cool, intimidating language. Aliens wouldn't even think about fuckin with us if we sounded like that.

I can smell the Frito paws from over here!

First Canadian object in LEO?

Dude already got pranked hard by his barber...

I don't think a German car will have a SS badge. Although, it would make for good writing.

No, there is no excuse for this. Even in Houston.

If you are in the left lane, then by definition you should let others pass. Just because you are going over the limit, it doesnt give you the right to police the roads. .