
Humans? You mean Americans, right? That’s pretty offensive to humans.

90% eating competitions and the other 10% being a tractor-pull, right?

with blackjack and hookers?

I have a recurring reminder in my calendar for the last Friday in July, System Administrator Appreciation Day. On this day, for many years, I have sent a nice thank-you email to all the system administrators I work with. It’s the kind of job that only get attention when things are going very very badly, but 95% of the

This is where I’m supposed to mock Tom Cruise. I won’t do it. The man delivers in every performance.

Porsche 964 Turbo - For taking everything that was brash, scary, and unrefined from the 930 Turbo, and making it smooth, refined, in-sync, and calibrated, without losing that hard-edged driving experience and charm. Actually, this can be applied to the entire 964 range, not just the Turbo.

For quite awhile, the 964 sat

Once again proving cats are lazy... and assholes.

Peeling on the ground is only acceptable if there is nothing there to hit. If there is an object of any type I'm the vicinity, it must be peed upon. I don't make the rules I'm just letting you know. also all snow must have a name or doodle added to it.

Skipping rhubarb? That’s because he’s smarter than average bear.

I believe the fuel man had a hard time getting the pump onto the car. The replay I had seen online looked as if the tire was swapped prior to the fuel line actually attaching to the car.

“Sometimes bizarrely referred to as Canadian Tire Motorsports Park.”

Headlight eyelashes.

I for one have no problem with electric race cars. I love the ruckus cacophony of a screaming race motor as much as the next guy, but having the beauty of Pikes Peak interrupted by only the wind seems right. Plus almost 1600 pound feet of beautiful torques. I mean come on, that’s just ludicrous.

Falcon 9 is still a very reliable rocket. Most orbital rocket failures happen in the first dozen flights. Let’s compare other rocket’s first nineteen flights:

Clearly he was uncomfortable sitting in the saddle with such huge balls.

In comes drones with reflective surface. #nobrainer

In response, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve ordered Paris police to issue a decree banning the activity of UberPOP

I sincerely hope this video lands him in jail. Insurance covers accidents, not intentional damage. People like this need to be horse whipped and thrown in jail until they pay back every cent of the car, the cost of the police, the cost of the fire fighters call, and their own trial.

the first time this season mclaren has been on top of ferrari