
Here in the US, that's statistically true. Non-theists are the other largest group, by far. The "I don't know"s outnumber all non-Christian religions put together here. The biggest minority religion (Judaism) is barely over 1% of the population. So we're getting into the "not statistically significant" realm for

if religion got out of the business of politics and morality-legislation (while being tax-free) i would be more on board with this... but the religious influence politics and make policies based on their religion that affect us all - as a non-believer, i don't tolerate that.

Gee, in my 35 years, Ive never seen a self rightious 21 year old asshole make proclaimations about public health policy and not make a fool of themselves. I guess you're the exception, eh?

And even then I'm wondering what kind of 'scientific breakthrough' that would be.

Still a bunch of frail meatbags in a can, obediently plodding along to the laws of physics in a hundred year old design on some hypothetical nationalist imperative.

The money could be spent on science, IMO.

It'll be feasible when there's actually a concrete reason to spend vast sums of money to go. Currently there are none, nor will there be any reasons for a long time. There is nothing on these achingly beautiful, but desolate words that we can not procure much more easily on Earth.

Ihate to be "that guy", but those posters aren't minimalistic. They're close, but still not minimalistic, unless we define "minimalism" as "3 clues or less".

The fact that they think that to suck their dicks somehow would reduce a persons value really says alot about what they think about themselves and their own self worth

A neuroscientist named Michael Fox is investigating Parkinson's?

I am Glute.

As a techno-progressive, someone on the left who isn't reflexively afraid of science or technology, I've generally been skeptical of the anti-GMO movement. The stuff hasn't produced the equivalent of Minamata, Thalidomide, Bophal or Carson's Silent Spring and I think most of the fear is unwarranted.

Thank you. The word "hipster" is officially played out. Dead. Six feet under. Pushing up daisies. It's almost meta-dead: "hipsters" accepting the term "hipster" is almost, dare I say it?, "hipster."

It's bad. Stop using it. Just stop it. You're describing nothing, anything, and everything all at once. It is a

I must take issue with the headline of this post. First of all, the word "hipster" is completely meaningless. Well, actually it has endless meanings, none of them precise, none of them agreed upon, and none of them even marginally adequate in explaining the phenomena of real estate development and gentrification in

Wrong Graphic Is Wrong, Graphic

With a dash of rather annoying presciousness. I'm actually kind of glad that he's choosing not to go anywhere I'd hang out.

I actually prefer BRAAAAAAM to autotune.

Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.

Why does a good scifi premise have to devolve immediately into a horror film?

The atmosphere also absorbs some of the energy coming in from distant objects, and there is an actual limit as to how faint something can be and theoretically still be imaged with the best cameras, telescope, and exposure times. Space based telescopes can push that limit further, so there will still be a market for

For optical and near-infrared images, yes ground based telescopes are surpassing space based ones. But space based telescopes are still needed to make observations in ultraviolet, far infrared, or x-ray. This is because water and ozone in the atmosphere blocks these wavelengths. This is why we have so many space-based