
Jonathan Haidt has done some research on this and it's fascinating.

Does that collect food particles? Imagine the breath that would cause.

Orion doubters will be proved wrong when it actually does take humans beyond the Earth/moon system. Not saying I'm one of them, but I don't think people were skeptical of its ability to be tested in orbit.

eeeh, I don't think the problem is that there is too much human tissue in our current form, more like that there is ANY.

Actually, it's congress that pushes the DOD to spend money on things it doesn't need.

Just did a page search for Hawkwind and didn't get any results. I think your website is broken.

Yup, the main problem is that it presumes interstellar travel is inevitable for advanced civilizations. That's a HUGE assumption.

and maybe a jibe at how quickly he managed to make this a thread about him?

By remote, I don't mean size, but rather it's nearness to other major metropolitan areas. Chicago is 7 hours away, Milwaukee is 5 hours. But as you have found they do have service in Mpls, so there ya go.

I suspect it's because Minneapolis is a rather remote metropolitan area. It'll come eventually, but for the moment, the limited range of these vehicles make it impractical for Minnesota drivers.

Scott Greenberg?

It's strange. I know plenty of conservatives, but none of them deny AWG. I only ever see this nonsense on comment boards, so I just assume it's all astroturfing. Funny to think that there are morons who carry that water for free.

Now playing

Yes, but don't sleep on The Dreaming. In it she says something about aboriginals against a Dune backdrop and jerks off a laser!

It would make a touching short film. A forlorn looking dildo going door-to-door, asking for admittance with puppy-dog eyes. The homeowner shrugs and gestures towards the mantle where sad dildo sees six happy, cherished dildos.

Hexagonal forms occur in nature at many scales. On what grounds have you determined that large ones must be artificial?

So a sphere is not a geometric shape?

I think you have misunderstood the concept of butterface.

I don't much care for sardines, but if their population collapses, it seems the entire oceanic ecosystem would be bruised, to put it lightly.

I'd like to know also. I'm just speculating, but I suspect it is being done so that it can be exploited by the private sector on the cheap.

When I pick up my phone, the bottom edge is typically resting on my pinky. I can move from the screen to the home button or wherever without any trouble.