
Resting snitch face?

Yes, that’s how I rolled because curfews are for 15-year-olds, Mom. After my party, I took off with all my friends from summer camp while wearing a crop top, that exact hair style, and those exact jeans. The after party was a sleepover in my friend’s basement where I drank my first and last ever bottle of Zima.

Now playing

All we need is Kev to break it down for us:

Honestly I’m the type that reads the synopsis of the movie as I’m watching. I’m also the type the would read the first and last chapter of a book to see if it’s worth sticking to it. Basically I’m okay with spoilers as long as there is good storytelling in between. It’s a quirk of mine. 

Have you read the Imperial Radch Trilogy by Anne Lecke. That one will really screw with your brain. All characters are referred to as “she/her” even if they are male, and the author rarely will let you know when one is actually male. It was definitely difficult since I’m a visual reader, but I also had fun mentally

Also breakfast foods are the best foods.

“He doesn’t know how to cook breakfast...”

Here’s one more.

I’d have John Goodman over any of the men on this list. Except for maybe Jason Momoa.

She wasn’t charged with anything? She just did 12 years because of covfefe?

You know when you meet a new friend and you’re like, You are fucking hilarious! And it seems like you have so much in common and she tells the funniest stories and it’s all sunshine and light and drinking too much and stumbling home but then one morning she calls crying and is like, can I borrow money for an

The Unicorn Frappucino is really just his breast milk. (That’s why all his tank tops look like that.)

Miley is only 24? God. It feels like this has been going on forever.

Our family’s legendary Rancho Chucko: browned ground beef mixed with a can of mushrooms and a log of Velveeta, spread on a split loaf of Italian bread and toasted. I hated it — it is disgusting on so many levels — but my two sisters loved it so we had it every Sunday night.

The “justification” for an abortion is that the patient wants one, period. Your idea of what the “right reasons” (I can only imagine what those are in your worldview) for an abortion matter not one whit to anyone who is not you. Abortion is often PRECISELY for people who want to correct mistakes made in bed that

I second! I have a massive sweet tooth as an adult, but I never drink soda or juice now and my parents were ridiculously restrictive on everything sweet in our house. That included watering down juice. I’ll never forget the first time I drank Kool Aid at someone else’s house and thought I’d tasted the nectar of the

She’s Lindy West’s sister-in-law. They’ve got a talented family going there in Seattle!