
Hi. Dan, here.

Why are people staring this? They are not contradictory sentences. He’s not spending 20k on the down payment for fuck’s sake, and he has a new job now. Stop being intentionally obtuse people.

His needs said “...2 kids and 2 dogs and camera equipment”. The Prius is a people mover, not a people and stuff mover. My vote is for a Subaru Outback which allows room for the “stuff” part of this equation.

yes. You know what Toyota US needs yesterday?

“I’d also like something that can haul my two kids (7 and 10), two dogs, camera equipment,”

And yet when I tweet my doctor for a refill on Xans, he tells me “get some help” and “I have a PhD in econometrics, I’m not that kind of doctor.” 

Now playing

Let’s not forget that Chevy’s Howie Long ads orginally branded the Ford version by trying to poke fun at it. Ford Marketing basically said, “Thanks we couldn’t think of a great name for it, but ‘Man Step’ certainly sticks,” and went on their way.


If it had a “Pontiac Vibe” it would look more like this.

This 1000x over. Student debt, housing foreclosures and crazy long auto loans are all products of four decades of wage stagnation.

 Not to mention, workers are receiving 0-3% annual increases, while “Executives” are receiving 10-15% annual increases, and inflation is higher than the politicians will officially recognize. (Why does inflation not include the cost of food and automobiles? It’s not like one can easily survive without those in

A decade? Try 3 decades. Basically my entire career. Yet everything is more expensive, health insurance premiums are insane (I paid $0 for insurance when I started working) and now we have cable, cell phones, internet, etc. etc, that didn’t exist 30 years ago. In the meantime, companies are not content with making a

He sounds like the kind of guy who has a van…

why will most people tell you it was a Monday? i mean i could see people not knowing, i remember being in class, so i know it was a weekday, but i wouldnt be able to tell you what day it was to save my life.

Chris, My uncle who is 93 was on a ship at he time this was exploded. In the same area. He showed me a Large poster of the same picture. He is still healthy and well. I just visited with him on Tuesday.

Feel free to dismiss your troll pathetically whining for attention, I hear being ignored drives them NUTS. Particularly with his entire <10-comment-total-history being made up entirely of trolling...

I see what you did there.

He wasn’t an a-hole in “Trophy Wife.” More befuddled by the goings on around him. RIP, poorly named and scheduled “Trophy Wife.”

Hopefully they didn’t overload their 2nd floor with cars making the building even more vulnerable to high wind loads and adverse stress loads.

It depends on the cut. Medium is usually fine with steaks that have enough fat to cope with the higher temp. It takes higher temps to soften more fat. But something lean like fillet, sirloin, NY strip? It starts to dry and toughen around that point. Technically rare is just as inappropriate for most cuts as medium.