
So much fucking smoke. Eye on the ball. The question is fucking simple: when you were presented with the choice between Clinton or Trump what did you do? Did you whine like a little bitch and stay home crying with your Bernie bro friends on /r/sandersforpresident? Did you boldly make a statement and protest vote for

Omg that woman was a freaking rock. Brava, and I’m so sorry on behalf of our beyond fucked country.

Reactions like yours are why national politics is as dysfunctional as it is.

This is some petty shit and I am living for it.

Are we sure he is from Romania?

They are concerned about economic growth at all costs. They are building entire ghost cities just to prop up their GDP. As America wises up to their dumping of cheap, government subsidized goods into US markets and begins to protect ourselves then we face the very real threat of retaliation. Such as shutting down

China is more in line with US interests than most people want to believe. The Communist government (I use that term loosely) is concerned about maintaining legitimacy from the eyes of its people. Economic growth is as important for them as national security. As for Taiwan, the old school KMT party still thinks it is

Thanks goodness for the despecialized versions. Hats off to the heroes who made them happen.

In partnership with the Department of Labor, all schoolchildren will have their choice of a wide array of menu items from Carl’s, Jr. and Hardee’s.

Then abortion and birth control will suddenly be free and accessible for everyone!

Ive been to countries that follow the approach you are proposing. They are the stuff of nightmares.

People are not homeless because of building codes.

dumber than this response?

1. Give a bunch of right wing greedwhore theocrats full power.

This. The false equivalencies this cycle were amazing.

I voted for him because I felt that he would do an absolutely terrible job and would alienate the republican base so badly that it had no choice but to face facts and accept that conservative economic models do not help them.

Yep. And once we meet Jyn, who was in an extremist militia, then quit and became a criminal, and begin to compare and contrast her with Kassian, who’d been fighting with the “official” Rebellion since he was six years old and still done some shady shit, a picture of the Rebellion started to emerge for me as a clashing

It’s more Edwardian Fantasy. (And yes that was a pun. No it was not intentional. Yes, Edwardian is a thing, relating to the reign of King Edward VII who was the successor to Queen Victoria. Sherlock Holmes is Edwardian.)

I suspect that that’s what this entire thing is about, secretly. At least for the GOP. They get to make a big fuss over repealing the anti-LGBT rights part while keeping the minimum wage provision intact, with nary a peep from anyone. That’s my tinfoil hat theory, anyway.

Once, again, I get to deploy the single greatest line ever broadcast on network television, now with 100% more Morbotron…