
I'm more concerned about this camera operators weird love for the M5. Maybe the owner saw the guy there on the street recording him, yet again (as he did as the guy was parking) and tried to get the hell out of dodge! (there's a Viper, Dodge joke in there somewhere)

I think this crash is a bit slower:

That was my thought. Only thing is, I'd keep the boat around for occasions when you wanted to drive past people trailering their own boats on the highway, making them think theirs had broken free and was making a run for the border.

Pam Poovey. AKA, the White Pumpkin. Beats the Yakuza at street racing. Not to mention her fighting skills, drug/alcohol consumption limits, breast size and best sex that Arcer ever had.


Lady Gaga should've played RoboCop.

That was Kim Kardashian. If you don't recognize her then I really wish I were you.

"I hope you're proud of yourself for watching that whole thing just to see a combined 1.5 seconds of nipple."

Awesome to behold for sure, but a lot slower than the new "school of Loeb" drivers who try and straightline as much of the course as possible.

I don't get how anyone parks or even stops on tracks, ever.

I'm sure he'll kick an ASS or two, that's what Brian Boitano'd do.

So, what will Brian Boitano do?

This is the worst version of this joke I've ever heard.


Can this please become a regular feature?

"Why aren't Nigerian orphans buying more cars?!"

Last Starfighter Zando-Zan anyone?