
Stark still has the triangular piece in his chest, he just gets new armor by the scene in that picture. The armor glows in a circle, but he has the triangle in his chest still.

Anyone else think he kind of looks like Colm Meaney?

I bet you can't.

That entire episode was fantastic.

A sample size of THREE whole companies? Women, you're equal! Congratulations! You can pick up your new paychecks at the door. Case closed!

Don't joke about that! How quickly people forget about the Electron Shortage of 1974! Those were dark times — literally.

By the time those younger people take over, they'll be nice and jaded from a lifetime of misery and defeat, perpetuated by the miserable jaded people who run things now. It's a never-ending cycle.

This is perfect. Thank you.

I love my Engineer. Having Overload, Sabotage, Incinerate and now the remote turret have me prepared for just about any fight. Also, you can upgrade both the turret and the combat drone to shoot rockets. Like a boss.

Considering that they are the spawn of Satan, spider's are pretty fascinating.

Just because something's been done before, doesn't mean it's not ambitious. People have climbed Mt. Everest before. Doesn't mean that getting to the top today isn't ambitious.

It could be an interesting twist if the felt on the table was in constant agony from always being used to play oboeker. However, after years of this, the felt has become a masochist and actually ENJOYS the pain.

It's the fiddle-chess that sells it for me.

I think I know what those systems need.

Alright, time to pack it in. Australia, you had a good run, but we're going to shut you down now. Everyone start packing your things and form an orderly line. And try to avoid the MASSIVE TIDAL WAVE OF SPIDERS!

The main character just has to be related to Desmond, not Altair and Ezio. There's a difference. For instance, the Native American blood could come from Desmond's mother's side of the family, while Ezio comes from his father's side. Desmond has thousands of ancestors, and they're not all related.

I hate that mentality of Internet commentators. "The writer wrote a positive review of something I don't like. Ergo, he MUST be paying paid by the company to write that review! Biased reporting!"

All good points. Curse my anthro-centric thinking! The sun is so cold and uncaring. And hot.

Does anyone know why the sun has an 11-year cycle? It just seems so arbitrary.

Good God. That thing looks like what would happen if Yoda knocked up the Crypt Keeper and then they aborted the pregnancy. Things like that shouldn't exist!