
The same thing happened to me. I got that ending, and felt betrayed when I realized that Ciri could have lived. “But I was helping her!” I thought. “I was watching out for her and protecting her.”

Yeah, this is a good idea. I can't think of one thing that can possibly go wrong.

It doesn't mean inner-tubing is out, it just means inner-tubing is DIFFICULT. Where's your sense of adventure?!

During this episode, I finally realized what was bugging me about this season. It wasn't the time jump per se, it was the fact that because of the jump, we don't really get to see these characters starting this fight and we don't get to see Peter and Olivia starting their lives together. For the first time, I'm not

I'm sorry, but I don't think I could ever live in a place where having "a bit of a scorpion problem" is something I'd have to worry about. Of course, New York is starting to be invaded by black widow spiders. I guess it's good that scorpions can't spin webs.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." - Douglas Adams

You got a tattoo on your nipples?

I realized that after I posted. My bad.

Actually, I bet lots and lots of people care about FarmVille 2. They're just probably not the people that are reading this blog.

He won't be ALL alone. He'll have some brain-eating amoebas to keep him company.

I saw that picture with the post, and I thought, "Man, that guy standing up has some AWESOME ink!"

I saw that picture with the post, and I thought, "Man, that guy standing up has some AWESOME ink!"

I saw that picture with the post, and I thought, "Man, that guy standing up has some AWESOME ink!"

You want to make a new tablet look exciting? Two words: racing stripes.

In all fairness, just launching the rocket off of Earth is pretty risky. So why not go balls to the wall?

NASA used an airbag maneuver with the previously landers. Basically they dropped padded ball and let it bounce and roll around until it stopped. But this lander is apparently the size of a Mini Cooper and too big/heavy for that. So NASA decided to go with the sky crane.

Like it says in the post, the drones will run out of fuel/missiles rather quickly. Then they can crash. Then they're done.

The first thing I thought when I saw these pictures was "postcards from the apocalypse."

The generic sounding "science probe" is definitely my favorite part.

I figured it was something like that. I also suppose that, technically, when lava solidifies on the surface it BECOMES the surface. So it would be disingenuous to say that Io's surface was younger than it should be, it's just that it IS young because it's constantly changing. Man, our solar system is a wacky and