
You think that one's bad? You should see the one that's covered in spiders. They're freaking everywhere. Although that one's only marginally worse than the one where I'm an amoebae. That one's...weird.

I already tried to pitch a show about my life, but no network wanted it.

I don't care how much chicken wire they wrap around that car, I would NOT feel safe if 11 tigers came running up to my window. It doesn't matter how inbred they are, they're still hundreds of pounds of muscle and claws. Don't get me wrong — they're beautiful animals. But I would shit my pants.

I'm not saying the world is ACTUALLY going to end. There have been lots of great discoveries — which is usually exactly what people point to when fear mongering.

Yet another thing that Facebook has recently ripped off of G+. Innovation!

Is is just me, or is there another article every day on io9 that's just ripe for "omg teh worldz is going to end in 2012!!!11!" comments?

"The plant was hit by a magnitude 9 earthquake and a tsunami that caused all systems to shut down, sending the reactors and spent nuclear fuel rods into a disastrous spiral of malfunctions that ended in a meltdown and venting of radioactivity material to the water and the atmosphere."

December, 2012: Russian scientists poke Cthulhu in the head with drill, lead to end of world. Film at 11.

So we have until the next drilling season until something wipes us all out. Cool!

Wow. Who would've thought explaining what came before the Big Bang would take so many words. I was expecting three paragraphs, max.

But if he waited until the game was actually out, he wouldn't have anything to bitch and complain about for weeks beforehand!

Excuse me. I have to go contact my lawyer about updating my will.


Again, since when is such a small number of people (like the 46 sited in this study) an acceptable pool of participants? You can't really get a scientifically-acceptable trend by talking to less than 50 people. All this study really says is "20 or so people don't like pictures of spiders on peoples' faces." Give me a

Probably a good deal of running, too. Maybe some jogging.

Well, not JUST hiking. They did a little horseback riding, too.

I can understand your disappointment in that regard. I think, maybe from the writers' point of view, the fact that Locke died off-Island was the reason it was so pathetic. Maybe if he was still on the Island, it would have been a little different.

Actually, Locke's death on LOST was pretty much perfect. The whole setup of Locke's character was the dichotomy of his existence — on the Island, he was this big badass hunter that everyone needed, relied on and followed (Boone followed Locke to his death). But in the flashbacks, we learn what an utterly pathetic man

I have told my friends that I don't care for ponies, but they're assholes.

You're right: I don't have to download it, and I won't. But then I see it mentioned here on Kotaku, and it makes me angry. And I have two friends who are "bronies" (both of whom are 27 years old), and they constantly subject me to pony-infused things. Firefly? Check. Metroid? Check. Assassin's Creed? Check. A