Crazy Cat

The short answer is you don’t, they are always filled with spiders.

We still have a couple weeks until launch. Is it too late to reskin and find a voice actress?

It was released in the West on the Sega CD, and was actually one of the first Western games to really have high quality voice acting.

The suit is very impressive. Very well designed.

While i still can see Nolan to use this bat girl, but i'm hoping Nolan would use more proper breastplate rather than the boob-shaped plate. At very least use using thing like this,

Forcing the player to do something like this is one of the most fascinating aspects of video gaming's media specificity. I'll never forget how I bawled my eyes out in MGS4 while forcing Snake to go just. One. More. Inch. in the microwave scene towards the end.

You think that's bad?? I have the game in my hands, but I have to wait for my gf to finish watching "Jersey Boys"!!!! God I hate Frankie Valli right now! :P

Yep same here. It wasn't something that popped out to me as odd, but rather a design decision. It's in every races gear, and ships, etc too if I'm not mistaken.

The sounded really awesome until I got to the ads and pay for hints part. It's hard to separate my skepticism from the awe of this apparently cool mystery.

Now playing

I wish someone had the files on the first RE4

Half-Life Tree confirmed?

HM2 soundtrack is incredible. The game has a different vibe to the first one, some like it and some don't (I like it) and the soundtrack has taken not a forward or backward but sideways step to calibrate the tone perfectly.

back in school I used to hide a dick in every project. My friends would search for my hidden penises

But that's the idea...

As long as they don't control like the ones from Colonial Marines...

Skyrim fully loaded with mods. Want to see a computer cry as if it's playing crysis 3 at full graphics? That's one way.

You forgot one:

There you go Blizzard, fight stereotypes with Stereotypes. Never fails.