Crazy Cat

Let me guess: Frame rates when these games are in action is 1FPS.

I do, twice a day in fact

i wish it were.

Is this comment a joke?

I bought it on the chance the gun winds up with a buff in the future. Thankfully I'm swimming in strange coins, so that wasn't a problem for me. I took it out once tried it out, and stuck it right in the vault. Terrible does not even begin to describe how bad this gun is.

Reading this list I was like "ya this guy gets me" until it came to Flappy Bird.

This seems unsafe.

Like playing a story-based adventure in the Game of Thrones world instead of just reading the book?

I'm kinda getting the vibe that soon Telltale will be considered generic.

Well, people have been repeating for some time that Telltale needed to change their engine ;-)

Sera is explaining to Cassandra exactly what "fisting" is after Cass read about it in the latest Swords and Shields adventure.

That Titanfall one is amazing, though nothing about the picture actually makes me think of Titanfall.

Kojima's mind is a rabbit hole I would rather not jump into

Nope, I like my privates too much.

My only qualm with keyboard+mice controls is the fact I only have 2 speeds for movement. With a controller, your left stick is a range of speeds and not an I/O.

The cynical realist in me knows it will never happen.

"Draw me like one of your Orlesian Qunari."

God bless the modding community.

that's mostly due to YouTube's horrendous compression quality, sadly. :(

Game: Skyrim