Crazy Cat

Huh, really? Because I ignored the micromanagement 90% of the time myself, and did just fine.

I could see it working in a city like Montreal or Paris where they have really amazing looking cathedrals, I mean those building just look amazing regardless of their religious ties.

On the up side, maybe Nintendo will see this and make a mobile Splatoon game. That would be fun

How were they going to top blowjob giraffe anyway...

I’m starting to wonder if I should feel ashamed for helping to kickstart this...

It sounds like it suffers from the same thing a lot of fantasy suffers from, layers and layers and layers of meaningless crap piled on top of its self in the name of “world building.”


Jason, have you told Square they need to release this on Vita here?

God fucking damn it! Look at this! “Top Countries Searching for Overwatch” and is any of them America? NO! NOT ONE!

Now playing

The cutscene that scene is from does give more context though

Still already looks 10 times better than infinite warfare (which is very appropriately named seeing CoD never stops coming).

“Battlefield 1"?!?!?! REALLY?!

Those are some amazing pictures. That being said..

I don’t mean just Japan, I mean everywhere, her massive count of movies simply haven’t done well outside of english talking countries. Everyone knows her just for being in the Avengers, and there’s a reason Disney/Marvel doesn’t do a movie about Black Widow. She is no Jennifer Lawrence or Charlize Theron. She’s not

Nope. I'm sure you've read stories about rape, murder and a want to vote for Trump. Hopefully you have never, nor will, commit any of those offenses.

I read an article about Mars earlier, but I doubt I'll ever go there. Seems all right.

why do nipples always look so weird in games?

I think you’re a little confused. Battlecruiser 3000 is an example I listed of a game that DIDN’T meet my/our dream expectations.

Instead of the Luigi Death Stare, he should now give other drivers the finger in the hypothetical HD remake.

Mad Max and Metal Gear on the same damned day...