
Late stage WCW sure was... something

Motion for leave to file cross-complaint against the Sex Pistols

It’s the realization that we never actually did smell what The Rock is cooking.

I’m pretty sure “Wayoff P” has been around since last year’s playoffs, with Mike Breen’s call of Paul George’s shot off the side the backboard in Game 7 against the Nuggets.

It’s only the free market when conditions allow for the abuse and exploitation of workers.

Dame sure as shit won’t be afraid to shoot in the 4th.

You mean the ones that kept bursting into flames?

Hey, The Birth of a Nation came out in 1915.

Chris Pine is not the owner of America’s Ass

I think you have the wrong orifice in mind...

I’m pretty sure anyone who actually paid for this farce should be automatically disqualified from any future credit cards and loans for clear demonstration of making terrible financial decisions.

You’re telling me the company that gave us this ad isn’t serious about racism in America?

Why would they learn when they could just demand to speak to learning’s manager?

How dare you.

Hey, he never specified which two weeks it was gonna be...

Most of my classmates and I took the exam in Sacramento, but I had one friend who took it in Oakland, where there was a power outage during the middle of the exam.

California has a First-Year Law Students’ Examination: