Hitler’s greatest achievement was killing Hitler.
It was a bizarre exchange.
Sure as shit not in DeSantis’s Florida.
Is this really about messaging, though? Does this really extend beyond just a Trump cult?
Sounds Like Nobody Likes Jared Leto
’s Italian Accent, Either
I presume that while practicing as a dentist, Gosar inhaled too much laughing gas, causing the permanent and irreparable brain damage that’s clearly on display.
Let’s Remember Some Guys...
That’s a pretty shitty looking batsuit.
The thing about Whoopi, though, is that she yields so much power in culture and television, and once she turns on you, it can create unfathomable tension at the table.
But, ESPN is supposed to be a hotbed of liberal wokeness! /s
But, if they’re not aggressively unlikable, people might find out they don’t have a personality at all.
You’re expecting a 12-year old who can’t spell out the word “dick” to actually read?
McCain’s thumbs down was to stop the repeal of the ACA, but the larger point still stands. Sinema’s thumbs down was really a thumb in the eye of working class people.
Steven P. Bertolino, a lawyer for the family, told the press that his client wasn’t talking to investigators because “intimate partners are often the first person law enforcement focuses their attention on in cases like this.”
Now that you mention it, I don’t believe Activision Blizzard has won a World Series since 1989...