Fredalicious Cocksmith

What are his own words? Please explain. Did he call a press conference after week 1 to announce that he would be debating benching Romo every week? Nope....he answers questions you guys ask him...and at every turn despite the hand wringing from the media he played it perfectly. Never jumped the gun and disparaged

“While everything has worked out perfectly up to this point, there’s no reason a quarterback controversy can’t still go down.”

Your understanding is poor. If they trade him this offseason they will incur 19 million in dead cap for 2017 season but actually “open up” 5 mil in cap space because his base salary will come off the books. Or they can make him a post June 1st cut this offseason and split the 19 million over 2017 and 2018. In that

Don’t disagree with Dak staying as starter but if you really think Romo folds under pressure you probably need to start watching another sport because you clearly don’t watch football.

Look I didn’t vote for him but enough with this “popular vote” crap....the only reason that is the case is because of the large number of people in California.....if you take away the votes for Hillary in Cali and then just to be fair take away the votes for Trumps largest state...he wins the popular vote. So again

What about the poor whites though? Aren’t they impacted as well?

While easier on a certain level it also increases the chance of fraud right? Like dead people that once upon a time were registered and so on? Not psyched about Trump but truly curious because I have never understood the ID push back.

So has it gotten better for minorities under the democratic reign? And before you jump back to the 60's remember it was republican’s that pushed civil rights forward and the dem’s that wanted to stop it. Please if you think I am trolling you, etc please look it up on Google. I don’t like last nights result any

Disagree. In that scenario you don’t have the right to bitch about where to eat because you deferred to the group saying “i don’t care”. When in reality you absolutely care about where we eat which is as passive aggressive as it gets.

Yeah you guys don’t sound like Trump supporters at all.

So I work in healthcare and since you introduced it I would like to ask a question. Previously before ACA were you uninsured? Or were you on an employer based plan or were you individually insured? Reason I ask is because I would love a breakdown from your experience of what type of plan you previously had

Thanks...couldn’t have said it better myself. I love being called an asshole, snowflake or DB because I didn’t vote for the criminal running against the small handed bully.

What’s interesting to me is the lack of self-awareness on the part of the people that feel jaded by the Johnson voters (Hi!) guys don’t see the hypocrisy in telling Johnson voters they suck, stupid, and to fuck off? That type of behavior is what is usually tied to Trump supporters.

I think the whistle everyone is assuming is the initial whistle is actually the 2nd time it was blown. It was blown a second more vociferous time because of the violence that occurred....think the initial whistle was of the quiet variety...then we got the “oh holy shit he just killed that guy” whistle.

Um its not his explanation anymore...USADA tested the boner pills and came to the same conclusion. I know USADA is pretty shady but seems weird to protect a guy you are suspending if that is what you are alleging.

wow Chael Sonnen on a radio show doing the “my neighbors friend who knows a guy in Jones training camp told me” shtick is evidence?...come on man...Sonnen would sell naked pictures of his mother if it got him on tv.

hahah fantastic....but all jokes aside. I think this result helps him. The USADA basically said “hey we tested these boner pills and turns out they do have clomid...and blah blah everything else he tested postitive for”....still is going to get the suspension but I think he’s got pretty clear evidence that he legit

Can you cite this “history of PEDs” you speak of?

I know it! He’s been questioned and accused of some many secret hits and murders of his definitely makes sense that people should be terrified of remember when he had rosie o’donnell killed? That was crazy...or how he killed all his ex-wives. What a psycho

So if she made this up you hope she is treated respectfully? That makes sense...because you know making up rape stories does so much for women who actually suffered assault. Good stuff.