Fredalicious Cocksmith

let me state clearly...Schilling is a clown and I am in no way a fan....but not sure this “solves” or even adds additional evidence to whether or not Schilling had a real bloody sock. It seems like the writer is pointing out “hey see this one time Curt behaved like an insecure tool” equates to  “he’s full of shit

They explained him splitting off by saying the pigs had to be slaughtered off-site because of the wailing would attract zombies...I agree there may be another secret but think the interaction with the guy splitting off was just cleaning up the pigs for eventual Savior turnover.

Yeah man seriously...maybe Rob should recap Fuller House or something....he clearly doesn’t understand the concept of this show. Its in the title and stuff.

I think you may be overselling “it works!”...we’ve seen approx 2-3 days at the Kingdom. The dudes that went on the Savior run didn’t look too thrilled so guessing its not all roses and pomegranates.

Man the pan over to the little kid towards the end of the video just wraps up this story perfectly....the look on her face of “man I can’t wait to do that when I am older” is fantastic.

Probably a sound studio in the valley

He keeps a harem...he is very anti rape and domestic violence but doesn’t understand the irony of having a harem of “wives”

I like how that SJW that accosted you at the game for a genuine question reacted by using a slur that would probably really hurt the feelings of the people you were kindly asking to sit down.

So do we protest this too? I am confused...can someone help?

crazy its almost as if the student athletes have “learned” a certain “behavior” from their adult mentors...weird.

So protesting for causes you believe in equates to “smart, impactful”...but disagreeing with this method of protest equates to “stupid, racist”...Got it....definitely no hypocrisy here.

When they are non-play penalties past behavior should absolutely play into it. Just like it does for Suh and Burzfict. You think those guys aren’t watched like a hawk and immediately flagged if they do anything remotely dirty?

Think Hillary forgets too...

again I am not voting for either giant douche or turd sandwich...but did the propaganda crew that comments on this site ever think that maybe Trump’s surge over the past couple of months is because the media has made him an “underdog”? I.e the more you complain and pull every single thing the man has done and keep

But if Clinton was a coke head and did “good” as you said why would you be concerned about Trump being a coke head? You’ve basically said its possible to be a cokehead and run the what’s the point of this article?

Not my candidate either but at some point this just becomes can call it what you want but a media site essentially shilling for one candidate while lambasting the other at every turn (and with some really old arm’s length type accusations) becomes propaganda not news

Damnedgentleman is a troll bud I wouldn’t waste your time typing replies but your reply is spot f*cking on.

Then dude this election is not for may want to check out some elementary school SCA debates if you want honesty. I don’t think any of its left in real politics.

I think both candidates are ridiculous (i.e turd sandwich and giant douche) but why do I constantly read articles on here about how Donald Trump is this horrific liar (which he is) but the assumption is that Hillary isn’t? Why is that? This isn’t intended to be sarcastic I am legitimately asking. Like I get the

So when you see the video and it supports what the police stated happened then what? Will Charlotte still burn? Or will all those crooks looting go back and repair the damage they have done?