Fredalicious Cocksmith

It wasn’t the threat it was the impending reality of that first game check being missed that caved them....some guys are STILL recovering from the predatory loans (i.e 30-40% interest) that they had to take out during that time period

Thats a shame...was hoping he was cool in life. He cracks me up.

Guessing he did this while shirtless, bare foot, in jeans? what a tool

Thats ridiculous what a shithead

You should get new friends

Right but if some guy is banging on your window challenging you to a fight then there is your manslaughter. i.e “you didn’t mean to kill him you just were scared and wanted him away from your car”...not saying thats what happened but Joe McKnight was out of his car in range of this guys window. I don’t think he was

Wait man not disagreeing with this being an issue currently in the world but what about Mike Brown was fishy? Other than the completely bullshit witness testimony by his friends and onlookers. Or do you not remember his blood being in the police car? That would seem to indicate Brown approached the car like the

Thats been debunked...the shots all came from the car window.

or not getting out of your car after someone cuts you off and attempting to yank them out of their own car.

hahah yeah because social media is so “truthy” and not at all opinions and random conjecture.

So anybody on here writing the “shocker white man kills black man and nothing happens” comments will read your comment and completely ignore? Even though if true completely justifies their treatment of the shooter. That seems to be the way things are now.

Jeez man...Byron Jones was blocked into the PR by a vikings player and they recovered the fumble on that play...and on the 2pt conversion their LT jumped early so it shouldn’t have been a play to begin with....end of story

Not arguing with you but am I missing something? That math seems pretty straightforward to me.

“I wouldn’t say I’ve been missing work Bob”

It was absolutely his goal and that was one of the first things I called out when he started doing it “I wonder if he would be kneeling if he was still the starter?”....I think we all know the answer.

Sorry man you can blame the embargo all you question it was effective but if you think he’s made “vast advances” on anything cuban related you are either a troll or have been given bad information. My mother migrated to the US through Spain along with my uncle after Castro put my grandfather in a work camp

That is why QB rating is still the best metric. I appreciate the thought put into QBR but I feel like it was a way to elevate the Rodgers and Brady’s of the world over the middle of the road guys like Dalton. Nobody was disputing that so not sure why they needed to roll it out but my guess is the media didn’t like

Like Obamacare being rammed down the throats of the people? Not a Trump supporter but work in the healthcare industry. Its a mess trust me on this.

Look man didn’t vote for Trump but this narrative of “Oh those jerky congressman blocking everything” what point did Obama compromise on anything with the other side? He repeatedly blocked the Trans Continental pipeline bill despite 100's of environmentalist stating no additional impacts, he created a freaking

Somebody needs to bring back the blog but from tony’s perspective towards Dak.