
Where does this stuff come from? Conventional agriculture uses the best pesticide for the job. Except for fertilizers almost none of the pesticides are derived from fossil fuels. Not sure where you are getting the sticky from either? The most used herbicide Glyphosate (round up) has a short half life, the

You know, I had this crazy thought.

The transcript of the cop talking to her makes me SEETHE with rage. Fuck you, buddy.

Lock your kids inside the house so they can sit on their asses and get diabeetus.

This is precisely why women are scared of standing up for themselves when being cat called. Not only can harassers go ballistic like this, but they also, usually, cowardly "travel" in large packs.

This kinda says everything about the real motivation behind a lot of catcalling, huh?

I've started a comment at least 8 times. I don't know what to say. I'm for artistic expression, but any moral compass would tell you this is 100% the glamorization of a brutal and horrifying crime. I'm also personally bothered by the fact that this stereotypically shows men as violent monsters. This is just wrong from

That's actually exactly how it's supposed to work. Exposed to the same classes and roughly the same opportunities, you weren't in the top ten percent at your high school (no shade, I was top 12% at my 5A Texas high school, I went out of state and am doing just fine in life for not being top 10). That rural

I find it incredibly interesting that throughout all of this, she's consistently failed to mention that UT-Austin didn't reject her outright. They offered her a chance to attend one of its system campuses (UT-Dallas was floated as the best option), earn at least a 3.2 GPA during her freshman year (she maintained a

Every time I see her, this is all I think of:

Israel has a draft - and they draft women.

I have friends from Israel. I've met people that have not openly wished death/harm on Arabs, but have made it abundantly clear that they hate them. It's quite surreal to have a conversation with someone and have them speak with such disgust about a general group of people.

Getting Food Stamp is not easy. The people at the office tried to shame me. They were like "you went to school.Why do you need these?" I just told them I was poor and hungry and you just need to to your job to help me. I let that pride go and just apply for them as they helped me alot. Also when I read your post,

You're getting a lot of shit but I mostly agree. People should live within their means. That includes poor people, rich people, and the middle class. I used to work for a major auto insurance company and was shocked at how many broke customers rolled up in $50,000+ cars financed by auto loans that they could never

She sounds so damn indignant about the things she has to do in order to get SNAP and WIC as though they are only asking her for this shit and not anybody else.

I would agree with the conclusion regarding most folks but this is an author writing for HuffPo and WaPo about poverty. Poverty is a nuanced situation for sure and most of us will never have the direct information or experience to understand it. That said, her original article glosses over her justification for

They really need to quit pushing other down to make themselves taller. I have grew up dirt poor, upper poor, then to upper middle class. It felt like everyone wanted to tell us we were doing something wrong.

I would say false. Being treated with disrespect doesn't allow an authority to just rage on people. People are conflating all of their cop hate and righteous anger at misdeeds onto every single cop story ever. This guy was calm, he was collected, he repeatedly stated what she needed to produce in order to keep things

She was right to be annoyed by being singled out for walking while black, but honestly, I would never ever talk to a cop that way.

Rant time. Fuck this shit. You know what's more fucking annoying than yuppie stockbroker entitled assholes? Cornball fucking hipsters that don't get that they're just as annoying. I get that because you live in Brooklyn and you, like totally made small talk with a black guy in an elevator once, you think you're