
Which of her rights was violated? She voluntarily injected herself into the situation by approaching the officers.

"They need to have a reason to do something like that, there was no visible reason. You can't just assume someone is going to attack a cop because of the general direction they are walking. On the other hand, if an officer is going to cross check you with a baton, he'd better be able to articulate where the threat

I don't know? That chick looked like she took a solid hit and was down for the count.

It's a nice sentiment but at her age it's also a lot of empty words. A woman without wrinkles can boldly declare not to be bothered by their threat to her social standing but it's the woman who sees her own decay and shrugs it off that deserves the bigger awe.

Precisely. It's a DONATION. You 'Kick' in a few bucks so that Indie A can create project B. You're not a stakeholder, your not a shareholder, the whole idea of Kickstarter is small groups of people funding things that they're interested in. When someone blows up because of a successful Kick campaign, your reaction

We had a good laugh at the Russians when we saw this. Not so weird now, is it?

If I knew it was that easy to enter a Burger King at 3am, I could have gotten into a lot more trouble in college.

looks like the tall guy was telling his friend to stop grabbing shit. we have all had a drunk friend that we had to coax out of things.

Given there's never been a single actual case of a murderous satanic cult ... yeah, this is bullshit. Either she's so mentally ill she thinks what she's saying is true, or she's going for attention/a plea bargain/etc.

I call bullshit. She's probably just stating this for the infamy. She was so sloppy in the one killing she was busted for, what are the odds she actually killed 21 other people and didn't get caught?

That's a chart of biblical contradictions. Works better when you can see all of them.

It seems like they used to have more fun with costumes and story telling while skating. Now there are so many technical requirements that it's hard to fit more fun elements into the program. Skating with a White Russian is perfect for Sochi.

Why can't they skate routines like that in the Olympics? Every skater should be required to skate while holding a cocktail. Extra points will be granted for degree of cocktail difficulty—drinks in hollowed-out pineapples, say.