As usual, I find AV club reviews and most user comments in direct opposition to my own. I thought this was fantastic. I wonder if anyone here really likes anything.
As usual, I find AV club reviews and most user comments in direct opposition to my own. I thought this was fantastic. I wonder if anyone here really likes anything.
I did not breathe the entire episode. God it was creepy as hell. Deliciously so. I had my doubts that they could keep the momentum going after that season finale, but they came back with a bang. Quote of the night Bedelia "I'm trying not to eat anything with a central nervous system"
I just saw it and was completely astounded at how good it was. I;m usually let down because of ultra hype, but this lived up to the hype and then some. Fuck, I even cried at one point.
I think this was the best episode of the season by far. Gene has become my favorite character.
At this point I don't think it has any competition. And that scene was freakin epic. It may look like the camera cut away briefly but according to the stunt coordinator it was a one shot
B-? Damn. Are we watching the same show? I give it an A. The pacing, the plot, the fight scenes are all incredibly compelling.
Daredevil is hands the best superhero tv show. Hell, it's on it's way to becoming one of the best new shows in 2015.
I loved it. That old noir scam montage of Jimmy and Marco was fantastic
I just discovered this show and binged all 10 episodes so far this weekend. It really is a remarkably good show that keeps you off balance. And man, Gambon's performance has been spectacular. Not to mention the superb cinematography.
I recently discovered some French garage rock I really like. My favorite is Bosom Divine. Links below
Ty Segall is great
This episode brought back all the hatred I felt for Walter in Breaking Bad. This episode gut punched me.
These are my jams. But Heaven 17s Penthouse and Pavement is always criminally overlooked when discussing this era.
I also made the same comment to a friend. He's really improved since season 1 and he wasn't that bad to begin with. I noticed it in the team confrontation scene too
they'll never agree with us :P
they never explored her dark backstory much though. There just wasn't much "there" to Sarah. It was referred to an awful lot, but never saw it. We've seen Laurel grow each season and that's why I feel she's a much more fleshed out character.
At this point I agree. She's earned her way to some respect. Remember how we all hated her at first. Lets give her a hand…
I didn't feel this episode was messy at all. I think it was one of the best of the season. Ollie takes a much deserved fall from grace, if you will. All the team members stood up to him. The emotional complexity here is pretty deep and definitely so for a comic show. Thea reacted sanely instead of the usual bratty…
sad isn't. i'm gonna stop watching :)