
There will always be the people commenting that this and
breaking bad is crap. It's a knee jerk reaction to anything that gets hyped. Even I was was getting tired of the BB accolades. But in this case, I think the hype is warranted and this first episode deserves a better grade than B+

The band that changed my life being interviewed by my favorite comedy duo. I can't even…

Awesome :)

Manhattan has got to be one of the most criminally overlooked shows of the season. It really deserves a lot more coverage than it's getting. It will be a shame if it doesn't get a second season because of it.

I think this is the best season of AHS so far. Twisty is absolutely terrifying and the freakshow plot with Elsa, the twins etc is mesmerizing. Coven was crap. Asylum was just batshit crazy, which I liked, but there were too many subplots to keep up with.
freakshow has a coherent plot and the first truly horror movie

I kept skipping it too, but my friends all kept pestering me about it. I watched all the seasons 3 times now.

I just discovered this show a couple of weeks ago via Netflix and now I'm obsessed. The songs, Gene's one liners, etc. It's brilliant. And there's a sweetness that I never with The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc. Especially the episode where Bob gets his legs waxed for Tina. Good stuff