
I’m a generic ibuprofen kind of girl. Generic ibuprofen all the way.

Violence is seldom the answer.

My first thought when I saw Stephen Tyler was ‘wow, Johnny Depp has lost a lot of weight.’

Do you ask everyone that has a child why they didn’t just adopt?

This is dating myself but... when I was 10 years old my mother moved us from Philly to Westwood Ca. (a whole ‘nother story but it was actually a case of custodial interference.) Our neighbor in in the Melrose place looking complex was Barbara Barry. She played Gavin Mcleod’s wife on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”. She

Did the show ever say what exactly she was charged with? I mean they showed a lot flashbacks of her orphan drug ring and she did do time in the past back when Red was first incarcerated. I don’t remember any line of dialogue talking about what she caught for or how it went down.

BLOSSOM: The Senior Citizen Years

Nice to know S3 is lighter because all of that Vee negativity was giving me the creeps

Jezebel is just rife with hypocrisy. It’s embarrassing to see people fawn over conduct of a person they think is “hot” that would otherwise land anyone else out on the street, if not in jail. Yes, I understand context, but he’s at work. Other people are at work. If I whipped mine out at work (among friends and

Yeah, it depends on who’s doing it. If we like them, it’s totally NBD. If we don’t like them, it is an innately offensive, aggressive, and privileged act.

Having a different viewpoint than you does not make me incapable of nuanced thought, but thanks.

This is an interesting look into the pathology of how us Jezzies feel about a guy whipping his dick out. People seem to be amused, bemused, and/or ambivalent about Pratt doing it, but in a million and one other circumstances a guy who does this would be derided as a creep.

When my sister caught the bouquet at a wedding, her then boyfriend remade a big show of running from the garter toss. But she was expected to laugh and act like it was fine. Sadly, she did later marry him and they had a horrible marriage, followed by a drawn out divorce. Anyone whose idea of a joke is public

That Chris Pratt joke is pretty funny though...He owns those blooper reels.

I am afraid dog people are becoming the new ‘cat lady’.. that go outside and talk to everyone..

It’s “I’d rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a tin.” Which is cool if her point was to let us all know how much she loves crack.

Where is Ari Schwarz with his Crazy List of Things Goopy Has Said, including, “I would rather die than let my kids eat cheese out of a tin.”

Hasn’t Gwynnie said literally the exact opposite before?

I have gotten countless vaginal ultrasounds in the last 3 years, and not once have they EVER had to “sexually stimulate” me in order to get the scan. Like, at all. Like AT ALL. It would go right in, without anything inappropriate or awkward, beyond me apologizing that my body is always like, “haha no not again” and