
Maybe we share a friend because the same thing happened to a close friend of mine. Two kids (3 & 5), life going great until the Feds showed up with a search warrant and took her husband away in cuffs. He hid files on their shared devices, had entire devices she had no idea existed and was also busted due to file

My husband died very suddenly three years ago. I thought I knew how hard single parenting was but I had no real idea. Our kids were 19, 11, 10, 7 and 3. I have been incredibly lucky that his dad and step-mom are very supportive (they live on the opposite coast but have spent the past several months with us; they also

I did the same to one of my kids (oldest, she’s in college now, thankfully still lives at home) after warning her one million times. I had literally just said the next time you slam a door, yours is coming down. She went to her room and slammed the door. Down it came. It was only briefly and of course she could use

You're a terrible person. I hope everything bad happens to you and only you indefinitely. Fuck you and everyone who looks like you.

You're a terrible person. I hope everything bad happens to you and only you indefinitely. Fuck you and everyone who looks like you.


Oh no, I won't sleep more than 7 or 8 hours tonight knowing that you disapprove of my tone. Of course I use ''unclench, damn'' in face to face conversation. Do you often use '' fuck you Rebecca Rose, just fuck you American asshole.'' when you're looking to interact in a meaningful way or face to face? Thanks so much

I hope if you have kids they are better at using Google than you seem to be; in the amount of time you have spent here moaning about not being given an acceptable explanation both here and elsewhere you could have written a dissertation on the subject. Unclench, damn.

I hope if you have kids they are better at using Google than you seem to be; in the amount of time you have spent here moaning about not being given an acceptable explanation both here and elsewhere you could have written a dissertation on the subject. Unclench, damn.

Yep. I have rheumatoid arthritis that mainly flares in my hands (thankfully only a few times a year) and when it does, my hands look like baseball gloves. No way, no how to manage finger/toenail clippers however it's short term and infrequent enough that I don't worry over-much about it.

According to this article, Sells is her grandfather, not her father; her mother was his (Sells) daughter and she abandoned the child. Also according to that article his (Sells) wife will also be arrested.

This video is LIFE. I have a houseful of kids and (thankfully) an exceptionally long hallway; we listened/watched/imitated this video ALL NIGHT. The lyrics are embedded in my walls now and I love it.

Striking children isn't a ''special form of punishment''. It's abuse and if you made the same mistake twice at work and your boss decided hitting you on the back or arm was a ''special form of remediation'' it would be assault. Please don't have kids.

I don't know what your life experience is with a partner dying but six months, to me, isn't an egregiously long time to still be actively grieving. Particularly when children are involved, it's not that simple to just put yourself back out there and invite new people (strangers) into your life and theirs. My husband

You say that like it's a deal breaker.

No idea what happened to you in life to make you this way but I would buy the book if you wrote about it. Only with a foreword from your mom though.

Not enough NOPE in this world for those photos.

My son died several weeks after he was born; the hospital hand-held us through the whole process of cremation. It was (obviously) a terrible time and without their direction, I don't know what we would have done; I would like to give myself enough credit that one of us would have figured out what to do because he