Shannon Hubbell

The term originated among communists, but conservative pundits adopted and repurposed it later on. When modern conservatives use it it has little to do with that initial meaning.

Except, you know, that's not what's happening. Hell, his profile has been lowering by the minute ever since Twitter gave him the boot. It's pretty great!

Nah, that's still smug.

The Onion is funny. You know what else is funny? The fact that it's 8 years later and Hannity still hasn't submitted to waterboarding like he said he would.

People dealing with genuine trauma who need a safe space? TRIGGERED SNOWFLAKES!

Next thing you know, Trump will start a Squarespace competitor.

This dude got a life sentence for stealing perfume and it's AMERICA that's been let down?

No Zach Woods? That's some bullshit.

Yeah, I was assuming that lust for Scully is universal.

This reminds me of when the first trailer for Mad Max: Fury Road came out and I read some YouTube comments that said it was clearly a ripoff of Waterworld

Hannibal is that wonderful kind of comedy where there are (mostly) no jokes. It's all in the tone.

True Detective is funny as hell at times. Season one, anyway.

Ahhh! Thanks for the clarification.

I like it!

Godwin's law isn't a fallacy. It's a description of a phenomenon.

(They are hate groups, though.)


I'd play a drinking game where I take a shot every time a MRA uses the word "fallacy" but I'd be dead before I finished reading this thread.

"Feminism didn't accomplish literally everything in the world."

That's because feminism is good and MRA is bad. It's pretty simple, really.