
roe v wade determined that there was an inherent constitutional right to privacy under the 14th amendment

It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.

Let’s put a little fig jam on that. Rrrrrrrawr.

God I could go for a good manchego with some Carr’s cracked pepper water crackers right now.

Less angry answer from someone less prone to anger than me: “Paul Ryan is not some random famous or important person. Paul Ryan makes laws! If Paul Ryan wants to put family leave on the national agenda, he is uniquely positioned to do that by virtue of his (probable) position as speaker! He is exactly the kind of

Really? Are you seriously telling me I should praise the guy that does not support me getting even one paid day of leave even to give birth because he asked to spend time with his family? Fuck no! He’s an asshole!


Perhaps you should come to terms with the fact that some of the youth movements you turn your nose up at are actually quite substantive, and just because they don’t fit your aesthetic doesn’t mean they’re disqualified from doing anything important.

You may not care for G.L.O.S.S.’s music but they are easily the important bands making music right now. They not only make heavy hitting music, they’re making trans and queer femmes more visible in punk spaces which is desperately needed. Punk scenes are devolving into the drunkest, loudest, rudest bro mentality

In the future, corporations will apologize by literally throwing the employee under a bus.

Anne Hathaway is pregnant! Isn’t that great? A source says she “wants to keep it quiet” until she “has an official pregnant belly,”

maybe he’s got...

“ohhh wow, you’re face is like, so beautiful. I’m gonna touch it. I’m gonna touch it. Can I touch it? I’m gonna touch it oh, wowwwwww. I was right about your face. It’s really hot in here. Can I get a bottle of water or something? I can totally feel the speakers right now. Once I’m done hugging you I’m going to go hug

First - you need a HUG. BIG HUG.

My wedding had exactly one problem: it was colder than anticipated, so we had to cut the outdoor cocktail hour short and move it into the dinner tent. Which was heated. Also, warmed beverages were served.

In the poll, you should have a “yes, she’s awful but I wish she was bitchier” option.

Tom Brady and Donald Trump; two assholes infamous for their pathetic, saggy balls.

Some day they should bust the myth that results obtained on Mythbusters are relevant to anything.