
"Parker's column also pointed out that a female leader of the US would send a positive message to the rest of the less-progressive world..."

I was referring to the sleepingbeauty_aurora comment on Snow White's pic: "So you agree. You think you're really pretty." I guess that means Snow White = Cady, Sleeping Beauty = Regina, Cinderella = Karen. It may also mean that I'm thinking too much ;)

Of course Aurora is a Mean Girl.

I wasn't going to click that link until I read your comment. Then I did but the iPhone version of that article only displays one of the pictures. NOT. FAIR.

This is one of my pet peeves!

Are you me?


This post is relevant to my interests.

I want to climb inside this video and live there forever.

The more commonplace that unsexualized tits become, the less tantalizing they'll become as talismans of power to Reddit creeps.

You're so right. I've also said my share of dumb things in real life and on Jezebel and taken some embarrassing-in-retrospect stances. I'm so glad that I have exposure to smart women who force me to be more empathetic and to question all the gender bullshit that I never even knew I had absorbed.

I loved that Katniss could swim by virtue of her father sneaking her into the woods - I got the impression that nobody in District 12 knew how to swim and the game creators (well, not Plutarch but maybe Snow) were trying to use that to up the chances of her demise in the Quarter Quell.

I DID IT! I weighed 100 pounds and was a size zero in 6th grade I think!

Pics or it didn't happen.

I love other people's weddings but I swear to god, I'm eloping.

What do you do every week gals, do you fill up the gas tank or do you have an abortion?

Talk to me - what Plantagenet books?

Oh, Kinja. My comment was supposed to be in reply to another commenter, who was questioning Sarah Haskins' status as a "trophy wife."

If you're referring to the woman shown here, that's the writer/creator of the show not the lead actress.