Ha, I like it.
Ha, I like it.
Mama firmly set me straight on the distinction between the right to want the right to be given.
I was thinking about "friendzones" last night and it occurred to me how arrogant that way of thinking is. It's the belief that the default setting for somebody you're attracted is that they want to fuck you but then you're too nice to them (massive eyeroll) and they stop wanting to fuck you.
For non-web savvy couples though, it could be more tricky!
It's pretty common - at least within my peer group - for a couple to have a website with wedding details, including links to their registry. They'll include the website URL on their invitations, where people can find the registry info, but not the registry info itself.
And most the people I know throwing these parties are in their mid-to-late twenties and have lived on their own for at least a few years, meaning that they have no real pressing need for any of the presents they put on their gift registry.
I like how her head is sort of just hovering over her neck like she's an animated South Park character.
You sound like a blast to party with.
Wow, this is a great article. Thanks for sharing. I knew the value of diamonds were inflated but I had no idea how much!
Haha, me too. I like your solution.
Right? Oh wow, I'm so glad somebody wrote an article that allows us to all learn how you like your vaginas. Now we can all go follow your instructions, in hope that we one day run into you and can qualify for a banging. Hooray.
To any dudes who go running the the hills because of your ladyscaping I would say, "Don't let the door hit your presumably hairless ass on the way out!"
I also theorize that dark haired women (like myself) have thicker hair than blonde women, which makes waxing infinitely more painful.
After a couple years of getting Brazilian waxes, I just won't anymore. It hurts. It hurts to the point that I'm sweating and my toes are clenching and I'm using breathing techniques to not knock the aesthetician's hands away.
Maybe she meant that as a caveat to keep people from trying to "slippery slope" argue against her? I do that kind of thing when I'm talking to fiscal conservative friends ("Listen, I don't support handing welfare out to any old person who doesn't want to work, BUT....)
Don't worry, no spoiler alerts. :)
Which makes Kickstarter appealing to an entrepreneur but it's not particularly appealing to me as the person getting requests for money.
Purchasing a product makes you a customer. Providing start up capital to an entrepreneur with the expectation that you'll be getting your money back plus a return makes you an investor. When I provide money on Kickstarter, I'm neither a customer or an investor. I'm a donor.