
Okay, AZ teachers - no more showering, pooping, or (HEAVEN FORBID) having sex.

Ditto on the Zenni love. I have these in purple!

YaYa looks great! I loved her on ANTM.

So basically now their complaint is, "we don't have to provide or pay for the contraception but we have to provide insurance, and the insurer has cover contraception, so we still have a problem."

right click. save.

I just got back from Vieques about a week ago, and let me tell you it is amazing. The beaches are stunning and the folks who live and work there are really friendly. I only went to the W for lunch on our last day there, so I can't speak to the resort specifically. I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be beyond

Holy crap, I was in Vieques when Christina Ricci was there. On our last day on the island, my friends and I stopped by the W for lunch. While I was in the bathroom, she apparently walked by our table. When my friends told me they saw her, I was skeptical to say the least. Guess they were right, haha!

Damn, girl. I wanna look like Gumby.

Well, you see Your Honor, I *thought* that house was mine. That's why I broke into it and spray painted my name on the wall. It sure looked like my house. This was all just a cra-hazy misunderstanding! I'm sure you understand.

Good info, thanks!

Good info, thanks!

Sure, but sunscreen keeps me from getting sunburned, and sunburn leads to cancer - so the unknown risk of using sunscreen outweighs the known risk of not using it. There's no risk associated with not using a self-tanner.

Can we really casually say that self-tanners are totally safe? I mean, you're slathering on a chemical that is absorbed into and dyes your skin. That seems a little... suspect. I haven't read about any studies being done on long-term self-tanner use but I know that, the US at least, beauty products are not regulated

Patton Oswalt's suit is too big / long on him, totally overwhelming him. At least, from this angle.

Hellooooooooooooooooo, kitty!

Y'all, don't be mean to the conservative, white, Christian, male football star. He faces enough "elitist discrimination" as it is.

How is it more asinine than any other sport? Or any other competitive activity, like games?

What in the fucking fuckity of all fuck is wrong with people?!?

SERIOUSLY. Why are there dark splotches all over her unmentionables? Just.... why?!

I thought it was a dog for a second two. A dog with a grotesquely disfigured eyeball.