next time i'll be deadly serious next time

I’m going to guess that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was in a coma during President Obama’s administration. Because he was called a foreign-born Muslim despite all evidence to the contrary, including by her very own boss. And that was among the nicer things said about President Obama.

Some day, one of you assholes will pen the correct take, which is this: Spring is actually the real cunt of the season family.

The Dornish are an interbreeding of Rhoynar, Andals, and First Men — not the Summer Islanders. While the Rhoynar culture covered a vast swath of Essos, it’s noted their culture is partially inspired by the Ancient Greeks, and even the northernmost of the Rhoynar would have only lived about as far north in Essos as the

A car is an “installment loan” which is treated differently.

I wouldn’t worry about the car loan payoff dinging your credit—the main issue with the whole “closing accounts hurts your score” thing is generally in regard to credit cards because by doing so you A) immediately have less available credit to calculate towards your credit utilization; and B) if the card had been open

That’s a fair assessment. A friend of mine who just turned 35 becomes irate when I accuse her of being a millenial. Well, for a few seconds anyways. It doesn’t take long before her attention wanes and she goes back to poking around on her phone.

That’s not really a sociology problem though. The problem there is the cultural baggage we’ve piled on top of the term. It’s become a catch-all for lazy, entitled brats rather than having any real defined meaning in terms of age range. As someone born in 1980, I feel like I’m in a gap between gen-x and millennials and

Looking forward to all the people on this board who, during the election, claimed Hillary was as bad as Trump - who are all now pretending like they weren’t wringing their hands about the importance of 3rd parties and insisting on voting for the perfect gluten-free biodynamic political candidate of their choice

Similarly, if Sean Hannity were murdered, I would find that very interesting. My heart would not be troubled in the least.

This is the simplest, best advice I’ve heard in a while. I’ll add one simple addition: walk shelter dogs.

I really don’t understand this. A vote is not an unconditional pledge of eternal loyalty. Vote for Macron! And then push against his policies when you don’t agree! You’re not choosing an immortal dictator-for-life! (Unless you choose Le Pen, in which case who the fuck knows any more)

If the beer was on tap...he only had “part of one beer.”

This may just be my existential despair talking, but most of the time I feel like nothing she could have done would have made a difference. We still would have ended up with the Cheeto in Chief because everybody is sexist and racist and life is terrible and we’re all going to die. 

“Heather Nauert, a Fox & Friends news anchor, will be the State Department’s new spokesperson.”

That’s a bit different, since you’re making the effort. What I’m talking about are drivers who’re just cranking their heads left and turning right, without even looking right, since it’s not possible there’s going to be a pedestrian crossing, all you have to look for is oncoming cars...

No. Because these elaborate conspiracy theories on the left — all based on the assumption that all events, no matter how seemingly random, can be connected and interpreted based on someone’s belief as to “cui bono” — read to me as the exact equivalent of Alex Jones-type conspiracy theorizing on the right. I’ve

If you had just left it at “purchase” instead of “purchase/rely” you might have been alright.

Both turn women into sex objects. The one because he talks about (and likely does) grab their sexual parts, and the other because he cannot even fathom spending time with a woman *without* it being sexual in nature (and therefore disloyal to his wife).