next time i'll be deadly serious next time

Turn it inside out, grab the corners of both the cover and the duvet and then sort of...shimmy and shake until it's in place. Right?

Glasgow is fun, but more beautiful than Edinburgh? Nuuuuuuuuuupe.

Not believing in god is other people, who do believe in god?

The dancing to "Walking on Sunshine" scene was everything.

Patrick makes everything about him, all the time. I was half expecting Doris to punch him half of the time, but I think at this point all of his friends just kind of accept it.

Kevin at the end made me happy, even if the show will probably pull some soap opera

This is so embarrassing, but making coffee. I'm that guy at the office who always drinks the coffee but never makes another pot (I know!)

I just had to put down my beloved dog last weekend due to extensive health problems, but goddamn if this doesn't make me grateful that it was a peaceful and expected (and ultimately unpreventable) death, as opposed to this diarrhea-horror fest.

I think he knows now, after that weird ass conversation on the steps of Patrick's apartment. I mean, wasn't Kevin basically crying? IRL, I would assume that Kevin and Jon would go home and have a fight/heated discussion where, at the very least, Jon accuses Kevin of cheating. But this is Looking, so maybe the writers

Oh my god, that was probably the most cringeworthy scene I've watched in a long, long time. Also cringeworthy, but in a more sad way: when Patrick tried to insert himself in to the Truvada conversation. I think everyone's totally been there - you're drunk, you don't really like the person who is basically the life of

Probably a combination of all of the above, but mostly #1. Why do you think women get along so well with gay men? No ulterior motives.

California in like 2.4 seconds:

Desalination plants won't help prevent half the forest from going up in flames like a damn tinderbox.

Great post! I will show this to my S/O. Lots of unique challenges.

One thing to note, however, regarding the gift tax section: If you give away more than $14,000 in a calendar year, you will probably have to file a gift tax return, but that doesn't mean you'll have to actually pay gift taxes. Thanks to the lifetime

Yeah, it's kind of an annoying fuck-up, I think. The UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain (which is the name of the island) and Northern Ireland, but people in Northern Ireland are technically "British", since they hold a UK passport. They also might refer to themselves as Irish. I've tried to explain this to my

Zach?! Ugh. He looks like a sweaty Tarzan. Noooooope.

Kevin's interactions with Jon seem...perfunctory. Their relationship is probably pleasant and sweet, but is that enough? - probably Kevin's thought process. I don't think everyone who cheats is in some sort of miserable relationship; if that were the case, they would just break up like everyone else.

Spirit Temple from OoT is also my favorite. Awesome music, cool item (mirror shield), the only main temple you go back in time to complete part of, awesome mini-boss and boss. And Nabooru added a more "human" aspect to it.

WHAT?! How did they ruin Zora swimming? One of the most enjoyable aspects of the original game, IMO. (Haven't touched the remake yet)

um, they did not almost renew that show. It was cancelled like almost immediately.

Ugh. I love him. Leave Groff alone!

...but he really fails at coming off as straight in this scene, sorry Jonathan! Maybe it's because I just watched him rail Russell Tovey on Looking

I recently got a Casper mattress, and it is indeed amazing. It's actually a little firmer than I thought it would be, but really comfortable and it stays very cool.

I recently got a Casper mattress, and it is indeed amazing. It's actually a little firmer than I thought it would