
Well, I’m the girlfriend but I’m also the one who reads Kotaku more so...

My only review/comment on GTAV is this: whenever I play through the storyline part, I just think how crazy cool it would’ve made the story if Trevor were a woman. Like a genius Pentasucky who’s now taking down bands of meth gangs because that one

Ha! My aunt worked for the Pentagon and would take me there for their happy hour whenever I was in town.

There was an interesting article a few weeks back that posited picky eating as being more of a control issue than anything to actually do with the food - and it seems like this instagram backs up that theory. Just by letting a kid know they “don’t have to” eat something, they’re more likley to try it.

Nope, but also the food she’s served in China shouldn’t be that unidentifiable. Most places have simple dishes like “beef & broccoli” and “egg & tomato” and “pork dumplings.” Just less of it is fried in batter.

I don't know if you're willing to try for non-moe stuff, but there is a lot out there and this site reviews a bunch of it. I understand the ugh reaction towards a lot of anime these days though - one of the most annoying things for me is finding a great anime idea that felt it need to shoehorn fanservice in. Big :(

Yes, this was my first thought as well. I once went out with a guy who was functionally illiterate and had to read the menu to him. Most of the time, he hid it well by just remembering what people said and making educated guesses.

Dementia is a hell of a trip.

It may not have been a rape, but it was pretty full on sexual molestation. I get that the standards for that in Japanese media are different, but it didn't make me feel less icky. I couldn't watch past the third episode.

I'm pretty sure that not wanting atrocities to be forgotten and blatant crazy fictional mythos about Chinese assassins in hoods carrying highly impractical guns for the time beating up all the Japanese currs are two very different things.

So if it was a tv series about Isabella's Spain and everyone wore kilts and played on a bagpipe, it'd be alright with you?

Is it weird that I got tired of how everybody's mouth was open the entire time? Also, the excessive fan service really bummed me out.

But you see, dear sir, I'm the one that HAS to. Anytime I get a chance to forget I'm not the racial-gender standard, someone usually comes along to remind me.

This would basically only work in a situation where the hiring manager has no hangups whatsoever about interacting with all different types of people, which I have found to be an incredibly rare trait in people, even in extremely diverse pools of people. Take a look at your close friend group and calculate the

Wow, that's an indictment of the entire capitalistic system.

In that same vein of logic, you should not be allowed to tell girls what they should feel about depictions of themselves in culture unless you go through at least one course on gender politics. And yet, here you are.

I wrote this when the criticisms of the video first came out:

The whole plot of Gone Girl and the mass of articles pertaining to it has to do with a self-declared Cool Girl that is murdered, possibly by her husband. The book supposedly treats her more three dimensionally, and her forays into feminist lit in her journal are thought-provoking even if she turns out to be

Where have you been where you haven't been subjected to all of the articles about Gone Girl that argue David Fincher is sexist for not striking the right balance and turning the movie into another "women are crafty, they kind of deserved to get killed because they'd totally blame their death on their husbands" tale?

When I was 11, I tried and declared that I didn't like sushi. Last week I was given a chance to go to Japan and I took it, went to the Tsukiji fish market, and ate a frickin' boatload of sushi. I must be an opportunist.

Do you read Magi? That one's been my go to Shounen fix.