I spent the first half of my life with F and the second half with C and much prefer C. However, thanks to my F experience, I always forget that a 5 degree difference is a WORLD until I accidentally go out in a t-shirt in 20C.
I spent the first half of my life with F and the second half with C and much prefer C. However, thanks to my F experience, I always forget that a 5 degree difference is a WORLD until I accidentally go out in a t-shirt in 20C.
Really? I actually like how this seems like a big F U to journalists who want to focus on her body just because she's put the focus on her body before. If that's not a lesson in taking back the power, of having full and utter control of your own sexuality on your own terms because - quite honestly - you can and who…
Hear hear! I wish every company took death threats made against their employees this seriously.
As someone who is an introvert and was painfully shy and was forced into interactions with large groups of people, I can tell you: socializing with confidence is a muscle just like everything else. You may never be the Adonis of talking to women (just like I will probably never bike the Tour de France), but you can be…
Well, I was in Manhattan/Brooklyn and the bulk of these experiences happened around 2000-2010. I dunno if it's different now (no longer live in the country). I think my friend group - or at least acquaintance-wise - is pretty diverse. Bankers on one side and indie rock musicians/bartenders on the other. I also don't…
Speaking from personal experience, it's always been easier to say a "soft no" for me because at some point in time, I move countries or the guy moves on. The several times I tried a polite but firm no (along the lines of "Sorry, I'm flattered but just not feeling it."), the guys have:
a) poured a drink on me the next…
The key words to that last sentence were "WITHOUT EVER BOTHERING TO TALK TO ANYBODY BLACK IN AMERICA." This is actually a constant problem on Jezebel for all POCs, where - usually the white staff, though I guess Kara isn't in this case - give some lip service to POC issues without any understanding of what's actually…
I'm sorry about my unnecessarily snarky comeback, but I'm not sorry about my thoughts about the post because, yes, I did read what she wrote. Twice even. China offers one of the first opportunities for white America to confront a race that (apart from the people born in America, whose struggles I understand - being a…
Actually, very sorry about that last comment. I wrote it but immediately regretted it. I wish I could edit it out, but I guess kinja doesn't work that way. So, I apologize again.
Well that makes it worse then. You should know better.
Kara Brown, please whitesplain more why I should be offended by an event that hasn't happened yet, is backed by an institutional arm whose sole purpose is to collect and curate Asian culture and has two of the most powerful Chinese celebrities on the board. And please continue not to talk to any Chinese people or…
Yeah, I wasn't so offended by the Met's theme (even its a little on the nose name, at least they didn't put dragons in there?) as by the fact that Kara Brown used a picture of cultural appropriation that was pretty much 100% Japanese cultural appropriation. What's the deal, Kara? Do all us Asian appropriations look…
Hormones aren't horoscopes. The less we as humanity think of our bodies as machines with a simple input output system, and more as a whole ecosystem interacting in all of its complexity, the better. I'm as against acknowledging the existence of hormones as I am against acknowledging similar things we are just…
I think dudes who try to discredit women didn't need a study to be all lolhormones.
I /love/ how many responses are "This isn't about the death threats to Anita S., it's about Zoe Quinn! But also, Anita's points suck and she sucks and I hate her. I wouldn't email a death threat to her, but I really need to make known that I disagree with her in this post, which is absolutely not about her but about…
Readers are not a subculture. The internet, by its very build, needs you to read in order to be a part of it. A more apt analogy would be if the New York Times piece was like "upper-middle-class WASPs don't have to be your audience." Which, I would heartily approve.
One thing about putting it in your coffee, start with little amounts and work your way up. Otherwise, you will be weeping poop.
What @crashfrog said. I was pretty gung ho about men and women having similar sex drives too, but it turns out to be pretty inaccurate in basically any sexual study done on genders that I've found.
I agree with most of your points except that "lesbian bed death" is totally a "thing." I've found that it is WIDELY complained about in LGBT circles, by lesbians, who get pissed that their relationships always seem to fizzle out sexually at the 1-2 year mark. Not all lesbian relationships fizzle out, just like not…
I know, right? I mean, have they just been watching so much anime that they don't realize the eye manipulation only ends up looking creepy?