
IT IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD! A not-famous nobody mom posts a picture she's proud of with an admittedly not well-thought out message (though nothing that holds a candle to half the shit on the fitness Pinterest page) and the "feminist" internet explodes in fury? FUCK. YOU. Seriously, fuck you all for treating this like it's

I guess maybe it's a Western thing to look at that kind of behavior and think it's part and parcel of the teenage experience? I'd hope that if I were 15 and had actively fed poisons to my (traditionally-minded, but still pretty emotionally present and caring) mother, I'd act a little more torn up about it.

Was Brave really a step forward?

Gee, when I broke up with my last boyfriend, my mom used it as a chance to remind me that I really ought to let go of that whole "independent woman" schtick because she'd seen strong women before, and I didn't fit that bill anyhow, so I might as well stop trying and get some guy who could take care of me.

I live in China right now and every other white person's cat is named Chairman Meow. It's completely ruined it for me.

Are you kidding? 1800s French Revolutionary politics is probably one of the most fascinating Eurocentric shows I could think of (assuming they don't turn it into this JVJ character schmoozing his way through high society)! You've got so many great themes that tie into today - hideous inequality, tyrrany of the haute

Oh good! I was rethinking having a Peter Pan-themed pool party to celebrate me leaving my 20s, but the article was against the article mentioned in the title so I am going to tra la la my way to Neverland next weekend with nary a fear of being judged by Jezebel writers!

I think continually banning trolls until they eventually give up is way better than just letting them run rampant.

People who are like "THIS IS JUST TRASH TALK, GET OVER IT OMG" must have some seriously evil trash talk. When I trash talk, it's usually like vanilla "Booyah, I won. What's the matter? Cat get your controller?" stuff. Occasionally, if I'm extremely frustrated, I'll yell out a curseword. Maybe.

Up on Poppy Hill's alright - very much from the vein of Only Yesterday: slice of Japanese rural life. Not much happens, but it's a peaceful watch.

Yes, reporting on the "best reporters/writers/etc." and coming up with a mostly male list is sexist, considering the wealth of female reporters/writers that are out there covering all of those topics.

The lighting washes her out, but bone-structure-wise, the Tiana mannequin was probably one of the closest to the actual animated princess.

Perhaps this is a tangent, but I wonder if there's an inherent insecurity in immigrant communities that tends to keep perpetrating this kind of "you should act a certain way" mentality, because I was hearing talk about how I needed to act "more Asian" way into college and... heck, even now.

Yes! I tried to explain this to my boyfriend when we first started dating - I felt uncomfortable hanging around his work friends because the group he had was basically all white guys and their Chinese girlfriends. It was so strangely monotonous. I talked to him about how I just felt weird not hanging around more

I love eating meat and consider it about as much a pre-requisite for modern life as air conditioning or mass transportation systems or cheap clothing (i.e. the concept isn't inherently evil, but the system needs to be changed yo), so I'm at best ambivalent to expensive attempts at an "unbloody" alternative.

I find it hard to believe that Twitter can monitor your tweets in order to sell you themed advertising, but can't develop an algorithm to see if you're consistently tweeting out hate speech.

India too! I was a little bummed that a friend of mine had her wedding at the end of me coming out of grad school (which meant I didn't really have the money to fly all the way to Goa for a five day bash), but had I been able to fork over the $1500, I would've had five days of outfits already picked out and paid for

One thing I loved about living and bartending (kinda) in the U.K. was that drinks were mostly non-gendered. Beer is everybody's staple, gin is everybody's classy drink, vodka is for the 16-year-olds and whiskey is for the Adults (with a capital A).

I did have to unfollow a couple of dudes because they were putting up art that was verging on porn, and I really wasn't into seeing a great cauliflower soup recipe next to some disembodied women legs. :(

I have definitely had male friends who specifically started doing yoga so that they could ogle slim women stretching out their legs and then spent an uncomfortable amount of time afterwards discussing slim women bods and which flexible bitches they'd love to downward dog if you get my drift.