"exotic beauty" Ewwwwww
"exotic beauty" Ewwwwww
Oh, speaking of the whole equal opportunity objectification thing, just found this video by Marina and the Diamonds that all of us who were hoping that part of the feminist revolution would involve more man flesh on display will surely appreciate.
I think in the original Blurred Lines video, none of the women strayed from the feminine ideal. When you're doing a swap and the men are still dressing femme, then it still reinforces the idea that only femininity is objectifiable.
I agree (and for the record, I liked the video!) - this gets close, but for something that objectifies masculinity in the same way feminimity is objectified, the heels/make up is not quite there.
Twice, and both times by homeless people.
I don't buy Victoria's Secret because I had a friend named Victoria and feel weird about wearing underwear named after her, but that's my own neuroses
Right! I wish there was something in these sentences that was about teaching them why what they did was bad... which seems obvious, but apparently isn't considering even the god damn media covering the case can't figure it out.
Personally, I think everyone in that damn town that saw something and did nothing should be locked up with these guys because they've contributed incredibly to the fact that these guys thought they could get away with what they did. Especially that asshole coach.
She had that look through several centuries in Orlando as well. Fantastic!
And also still a very long neck/small head.
I think making observations about celebrity clothing choices is well within the realm of both polite behavior and this site, and there's no reason to get nasty over it.
Yeah, the extremely defensive response to someone with actual Celiac's causes my armchair psychologist sense to tingle.
It'd be pretty weird for me to write something about George Clooney in a story about Melissa McCarthy, wouldn't it?
I know it's a personal preference and I'm not lambasting her for it at all, I'm just curious if anyone noticed or anyone's ever asked her about it (especially since any fashion quirk seems to be fair game in celebrity news-ville).
I'm glad to see from the comments that this advice is so widespread. It should be the way. If you want something returned, don't lend it out. If you think a friend is taking advantage of you, then stop being friends.
I did a quick google of "Melissa McCarthy always covers her arms" and didn't come up with anything, so forgive me if this has been talked about somewhere else before...
Man, that incredibly big "Bo Xilai is a woman" error is going to bug me forever until Doug fixes it. I get that it's hard to determine a person's gender from a Chinese name, but c'mon. One simple wiki check! C'MON.
I have no idea what's tongue in cheek about any of the jokes he made in the context he made them.
Would it really hurt to have the first playable female character not be a call girl? I mean, would that really be so terrible? Nobody else has been a prostitute (and there have been some side characters who were male prostitutes so it could've been an option) and I'd assume the game would be more fun if you didn't…