My friend started a charity which was basically one of the very very few in the field targeting men for sex trafficking education: []
My friend started a charity which was basically one of the very very few in the field targeting men for sex trafficking education: []
Yeaaaaah, I mean, I'm as ready as anyone to chime in whenever WIRED publishes a magazine cover that's just boobs, but I'm finding it hard to get hackles up over a cover about dads being geeky for a Father's Day issue of a geek magazine.
Right, it should just say "Dumb Priest," not Catholic Church. I'm all for bashing the Catholic Church on their anti-women idiocy, but I would prefer to bash them when it's really them specifically that needs to be bashed.
Oh man, just thinking about ground lamb lasagna just made my mouth water. Thinking about second dinner now *droool*
Thank you, this is definitely very needed. It hurts when you hear rhetoric about people who go back to their abusers "deserving what they get." People who haven't been in abusive situations don't know how hard it is NOT to go back, even when 99% of you realizes you're in a bad situation.
I like to think of cooking as a game where you level up to more and more difficult recipes. So like Noob cooks basically figure out how to boil pasta and then throw pre-made sauce onto it. Level 1 cooks learn how to add things to the pre-made sauce. Level 2 cooks learn how to make sauce base. etc. etc. to like Level…
I don't know if that was the reason Think Like a Man did well - specific, niche fan bases have a long history of not really coming through. Snakes on a Plane for example.
Is this REALLY still something people are bandying about? Go live in a country where all the media you are able to consume consists of barely anybody that represents you and THEN complain, please.
Or, since the position is complicated, maybe not go for the cheap snark joke when you see an "Extras" character and figure out what to focus on that actually brings a good discussion to the table.
$1000?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
I think a lot of the complaints people have with the article seem to have to do with how much of the racism is actually class-based and focusing on color alone doesn't seem to dig deep enough as to why it's not okay. I do think the crux of the matter is encapsulated in this excellent bit though:
I say get older friends! I worried about this a lot in college and then I started hanging out with 30-somethings and realized "holy shit, I have so much time to do things with because life (and even youth) doesn't really end until you want it to!" And suddenly it seemed silly to worry about 10 year plans or having my…
I don't think you understand press laws as well as you think you do.
I'm in a long distance relationship. My boyfriend unfriended me on Facebook because he said I update there too much and he doesn't want to go crazy wondering what's going on behind each picture and shared link.
No, I haven't and I am always in the market for good gifs! I think it'll be a while before we see a bunch of imagery and don't make assumptions about the race of the people behind the imagery, but it'll happen quicker if we get used to seeing other races as "defaults" as well.
I'm sick of the outlier anecdotes and also kind of sick of Jezebel shitting on EVERY. SINGLE. SCIENTIFIC. STUDY. IN. THE. WORLD.
Want to first state that I don't mean anything snarky by this at all, but whenever I see these posts decrying media for not trying to represent more colors of beauty, I have the vague urge to do a study on Jezebel posts and what the colors are of the people in the pictures representing those posts.
Haha, I guess it's hard to quantify exactly what math skills are needed for what. How do you think you can handle data-driven tasks and finding patterns & insights in sets of interviews? Also, once again, if you say you like technology, what does that mean in terms of skill sets you can bring/develop?
How do you mean good at technology? Any interest in learning coding?
Ah, the Game. I remember a period in 2007-ish when a whole bunch of guys would suddenly slip something I found terribly rude into the conversation. After the third or so instance of this, I was finally like "Are you really that socially inept or are you trying to NEG me?" and they'd get all flustered.