I don't quite know if my understanding of free love is correct, but it relies on not getting possessive or jealous and also still gives women the option to say no to sexual encounters. I would assume "free love" didn't catch on then because
I don't quite know if my understanding of free love is correct, but it relies on not getting possessive or jealous and also still gives women the option to say no to sexual encounters. I would assume "free love" didn't catch on then because
Near the end of my stay in New York I went to quite a couple lunches alone because there were restaurants that I really wanted to try and I was annoyed that I'd somehow limited myself to only trying them with other people.
In this case, maybe the whole guy calling a girl crazy thing is pretty useful. If someone talks at length about their crazy exes, it's a great signal that there's probably something wrong with him and you gotta get out of there.
This article does kind of have some weird timing mesh with the whole "creepy" post - there are similar things at play but the viewpoints are so fundamentally different that it's made me at least feel a little weird about it all.
Not QUITE a break up song maybe, but for some reason it sounds like one I'd listen to over and over again if I did break up with someone:
I've heard getting yourself into a calm and safe state and then walking through all the triggers of a traumatic situation somehow helps your brain re-associate those with better memories, thereby reducing the trauma. I don't know if that can be done in a single night or how to do it really effectively (eat a…
Oooh, I want those stickers to put on so many things!
I don't think you can really get away from the fact that porn objectifies every one of its subjects, male or female.
Granted, I'm sure the entire world could be helped by how the other person phrases the accusation (ie "What you said sounded racist/what you're doing is kind of creepy" rather than "You're a racist/You're a creep), but I'm talking about your reaction specifically since that's what you said your reaction would be.
It has something to do with the waning of hormones after a pregnancy and other things, I think, but don't take my word on it - health is not my area of expertise.
Haha, my brother's a big Bruno Mars fan and I gave him a stern talking to about how this song is not romantic and he shouldn't think that being willing to die for a girl = being in a good, healthy relationship with a girl.
Yes! The reason I enjoy this song is because it feels like a conversation I would've loved to have with my shitty psycho ex.
What's wrong with amazons? They were pretty sweet.
I was actually talking to people who worked on healthcare marketing for Nestle yesterday who said that the problem with older formula was that they put the cut offs at 0 - 6 months, 6 - 12 and so on, when really breast milk (and therefore nutrients) are changing every day. So now they're coming out with products that…
I generally think that if you're shot down and move on, you're probably not really creepy.
If you were genuinely flummoxed about being called racist, why wouldn't your first reaction to being called racist not be "Really? Why did what I said sound racist to you?" rather than "fuck you, I'm not a racist."?
Adding onto Admore, in fact, in medieval-themed movies - women almost always JUST get relegated to archery. Sure, they'll whack around a sword every now and then, but for the most part it's shooting the bow prettily from a far off place so you don't have to deal with imagery from war we haven't already been…
Ugh! Well, at least if you click onto the Hollywood Elsewhere site, you see Wells getting creamed in the comments. That makes me feel slightly better.
But how about the real estate in Dowistrepla? Can I get an apartment there?