
There’s a rumor that she’ll be introduced here.

I can tell by your sentence (and thought) construction that you are either very young or very ignorant. Maybe both? Or perhaps English is not your first language. Regardless, your views are at the very least illogical.

Nope, Valve like Amazon is a company and there is no law stating that they have to allow a persons content for sale, they can de-platform them just for the fuck of it if they want to.

Oh please it’s his views being vomited all over his store page that got him shit canned. He was also given a warning prior to this by Valve that the store page was not the place for his personal brand of garbage.


plus, MK 8 was great. I’d probably be fine if they just ported it upwards indefinitely and essentially made it a platform for new tracks to get added to do, scrapping the idea of sequels permanently for MK. Not an idea i endorse for a lot of things, but i’d rather buy $60 worth of tracks than any new MK game I could

The company was facing economic pressure because most consumers/people aren’t anti-choice zealots. There was one bee in the bonnet leading to that pressure so they let the bee out.

I disagree. I thought Eternal was the pinnacle of the series, perfectly mixing the old and the new. 2016 was too easy IMO.

It’s not nostalgia. I played Doom pretty recently and as a game, it’s significantly better than Doom 2016, because it’s vastly more of well, a game, with a lot less fucking around, no unskippable cutscenes, no goddamn jumping puzzles (indeed no goddamn jumping), and just a hell of lot more directness. People judge

Honestly, I actually really enjoyed the platforming. I also felt like it wasn’t challenging enough and pretty basic. It would be worse if the platforming felt wonky and lacked feedback, but it didn’t. 

Thanks! I obviously don’t check around for arcades enough, apparently. 

“The specific views expressed by blitzchung were NOT a factor in the decision we made,” wrote Brack. “I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision...”

As someone who works in IT, hearing “Online is the main game mode” is so damn frustrating. I hate hearing explanations of “Oh well it’s really not meant for that” when asking why something is broken.

If it’s not designed for local multiplayer, then why have local multiplayer?!

Maybe, maybe not. But I’ll still choose where to take my money and who to spend it with. The phrase “there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism” is not an excuse to spend your money wherever the fuck you want because it’s all equally bad, it’s a reminder that the entire system is fucked and that it should be

Thanks for replying again. It gives me the opportunity to drop another, even more damning quote from your original comment into the mix.

Funny how

Man even when there hasn’t been any recent review bombs or harassment you guys still manage to write an article about it.  How about an article about how Epic has abandoned their Epic store development roadmap?  Seems like news to me that the company throwing millions at exclusives cant seem to get even the most basic

Right, games are made by more than one person. I’m not so thin-skinned that I’m going to let “fag” ruin my day and an experience that many people worked on. Should it have been in there? No probably not. Is it their right to put it in there? Absolutely.

Now. If proceeds from the game went toward organizations that

Yes, they should be silenced, don’t you think?

I’m glad the publisher came to their senses. Appealing to a vocal minority only to piss off the common man is a trend all-too prevalent in today’s pop culture. I wish more companies did this, as it would save many people a great headache. The statistics have spoken for themselves.