
Far right bigot? LMAO. I’m a black man. I was a Democrat all my life. Today, I no longer associate myself with any political party. But yeah, this is what you do. You hear something that disagrees with your point of view, based on Science, biology, and facts and all you can do is have a meltdown and start name calling

The historical thing forgotten is that trans people always existed. Nothing changed in that regard.

How about bring proof instead of telling someone to google it. Maybe if people also didn’t attack her for having her opinion and instead tried a discussion she wouldn’t have double down.

Honest question. You want people to care. You want people to change, but they’re supposed to either take your word for it or go look by themselves?

Agreed. In a day and age where everything is recorded, and tweets are embedded in articles, I distinctly notice that isn’t happening here.

I think it speaks more towards the editor than the industry itself. There’s been plenty of wonderful FPS launches in the last few years. Battlefield didn’t make the cut for any of it’s entries when Bad Company 2 is a game that we all know belongs here.

“Paul, who’s been on something of a redemption arc these last few years following the “suicide forest” fiasco in December 2017"

What possible sequence of events could have occurred for you to put forward the suggestion that Paul has been on ‘a redemption arc’ beyond the bare minimum of not going back to a suicide

I can’t tell if this actually makes sense or if buzz-speak is a linguistic Rorschach test.

Especially since she didn’t get away. he’s still there and her last word on the subject was excuses for him.

Contractor for Electronic Arts/Mythic/Broadsword here, worked on Ultima Online, and this all rings absolutely true; the industry is absolutely riddled with sociopathic people who think abusiveness is the same as motivation, who change their minds constantly because they chafe at the idea of conforming to any kind

Read the whole thing earlier today and still processing it. The situation back when this all kicked off never felt right in a lot of ways, but I didn’t know how. I guess I was just really sad about the whole situaion.

There are no troubling social issues beyond what a few fans of the character have made up. I feel they weren’t fans of the games they were fans of a fantasy about a character 

Bayo 1: “Bayonetta is bisexual and Jeanne is her best friend.”

so, the combat is the best it’s ever been... but we’re calling this the worst game in the series cuz story?

I’m amazed at how many people completely missed that Bayo 3's Bayonetta is a different character than the Bayonettas in 1 and 2. It’s ok that her character relationships are different. It’s ok that she didn’t have any chemistry with Luka in 1 and 2 because she is literally a different character.

I have played through Bayo 1 and 2 so many times and I couldnt tell you a single thing about the story. As long as the combat is good im sold on Bayo 3. 

As a bi, there’s always a certain twinge of pain when a review basically boils down to “I hate this character if they aren’t a gold star lesbian like I wanted.”

Now playing

Maybe she’s polyamorous and bisexual? Don’t kink shame!

They offered three times the union rate, and she demanded six figures plus residuals. Platinum were right to say no.

Good. I don’t care how you feel about the whole situation, attacking Jennifer Hale for just doing her job (a job that she got after negotiations with Taylor fell through) is a pretty crappy thing to do.